Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Administering Trading Networks | Managing Events | Run-Time Events
Run-Time Events
Trading Networks publishes the following run-time events:
*Alert Email. Trading Networks can be configured to send alert emails. It publishes this event when it sends an alert email to a contact in the sender’s or receiver’s profile.
Information published:
*Timestamp of the event
*Internal Document ID
*Email address of the sender or receiver
*Batch Delivery Complete. Trading Networks publishes this event when it delivers a batch of documents present in a queue, at a scheduled time.
Information published:
*Timestamp when the batch is delivered
*Queue where the documents are placed
*Document Attribute Added. Trading Networks publishes this event when a new attribute is added to a document or an existing attribute in a document is updated.
Information published:
*Timestamp of the event
*Internal Document ID
*Sender ID
*Receiver ID
*Custom attributes (ID and value of the attribute added or updated)
*Document Persisted. A document can be processed using a processing rule, or simply saved to the Trading Networks database. Trading Networks publishes this event when it saves a document to its database.
Information published:
*Timestamp of the event
*Internal Document ID
*Indication if the document is saved to the Trading Networks database
*Document Processing Complete. Trading Networks publishes this event when it completes processing a document.
Information published:
*Internal Document ID
*Timestamp of the event
*Timestamp when the document was last processed
*Type ID for the document type
*Document ID
*Sender ID
*Receiver ID
*Group ID to which the document belongs
*Conversation ID for the document’s conversation
*System status of the document. The possible values are:
*User status of the document
*Custom attributes
*Indication that the document is saved to the Trading Networks database
*Indication that the document is large
*Original Sender ID
*Original Receiver ID
*Number of times the document has been reprocessed or resubmitted
*Indication that the document has been reprocessed or resubmitted
*Enqueue Document. Trading Networks publishes this event when it places a document in a queue, to be delivered later.
Information published:
*Internal Document ID
*Queue where the documents are placed
*Timestamp of the event
*Immediate Delivery Complete. Trading Networks publishes this event when it delivers a document directly to the receiving partner. It uses the reliable delivery approach where it makes repeated attempts to deliver the document. This event occurs whether the delivery is a success or a failure.
Information published:
*Task ID
*Internal Document ID
*Server on which the process is running
*Time to wait between retries
*Number of retries
*Retry limit
*Status of the delivery process. The possible values are:
*Timestamp when the delivery process was created
*Timestamp when the status of the delivery process was last updated
*Indication if the completed delivery process is a success or a failure
*Message indicating the success of a delivery process, or reason for failure
*Time taken to deliver the document in milliseconds
*Fully qualified service name
*Queue for Polling. Queue for polling is the default delivery method. Trading Networks publishes this event when it places a document in a queue, saves the document to its database, and sets the document’s processing status to POLLABLE. When a partner polls for documents, Trading Networks delivers all documents in the queue for which the partner is the receiver.
Information published:
*Timestamp of the event
*Internal Document ID
*Relate Documents. Trading Networks publishes this event when it establishes a one-way relationship between two documents.
Information published:
*Timestamp of the event
*Internal Document IDs of the two documents
*Relationship shared between the documents
*Reprocess Document. Trading Networks publishes this event when a document is sent back through processing rules to be reprocessed.
Information published:
*Internal Document ID
*Timestamp of the event
*Resubmit Document. Trading Networks publishes this event when a document is resubmitted, to be processed as a new document.
Information published:
*Internal Document ID
*Timestamp of the event
*Routing Rule Selected. Trading Networks publishes this event when it matches a routing rule with an incoming document.
Information published:
*Timestamp of the event
*Internal Document ID
*Name of the routing rule
*Post-processing actions. The possible values are:
*Send Document. Trading Networks publishes this event when it sends a document over a transport protocol.
Information published:
*Timestamp of the event
*Internal Document ID
*Transport Protocol. The possible values are:
*Service Invoke. Trading Networks publishes this event when it invokes a service for processing a document.
Information published:
*Timestamp of the event
*Internal Document ID
*Method of service invocation. The possible values are:
*Fully qualified service name
*Start Delivery. Trading Networks publishes this event when it starts to deliver a document or a batch of documents.
Information published:
*Timestamp of the event
*Internal Document ID
*Job ID
*Indication if the job is held
*Queue where the documents are placed
*System Status Changed. System Status refers to the processing status of a document. Trading Networks publishes this event when it changes the processing status of a document, for example, NEW.
Information published:
*Timestamp of the event
*Internal Document ID
*New system status of the document
*Task Action. Trading Networks publishes this event when it performs an action on a delivery task related to a document.
Information published:
*Job ID
*Timestamp of the event
*Action performed. The possible values are:
*New server to which the job is reassigned
*User Status Changed. User Status refers to a user-defined status of a document, for example, Accepted. Trading Networks publishes this event when it changes the user status of a document.
Information published:
*Timestamp of the event
*Internal Document ID
*New user status of the document
*Validation. Trading Networks publishes this event when it validates a document against a specified schema.
Information published:
*Timestamp of the event
*Internal Document ID
*Validation status (success or failure)
*Error messages in case of failure
*Verification. Trading Networks publishes this event when it verifies the digital signature of a document.
Information published:
*Timestamp of the event
*Internal Document ID
*Verification status (success or failure)
*Error messages in case of failure
You can create an Integration Server trigger that subscribes to documents corresponding to the event. For more information about IBM webMethods Integration Server trigger, refer Trigger Folder in IBM webMethods Integration Server Built-In Services Reference.