Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Using Trading Networks | Managing and Tracking Documents | Viewing Related Documents
Viewing Related Documents
To view related documents for a document, click Click to view related documents for the document in the search results. Trading Networks displays the details below the search results, in the Related Document panel.
When related documents for a document are EDI documents, Trading Networks identifies the related EDI documents by their control numbers by default. You can choose to identify the related EDI documents by their relationship labels instead. For example, if you view an ANSI X12 envelope, Trading Networks would identify the envelope's related group with the relationship label Envelope - Group. To make this change, set the EDIUseNewRelationshipLabel flag to true (see the IBM webMethods Module for EDI Installation and User’s Guide).
To view the details for a related document, click the search icon for the related document.
To go back to the document for which you are viewing related documents, click Link to the referring Transaction.