Trading Networks 11.1 | IBM webMethods B2B Trading Networks 11.1 Documentation | Administering Trading Networks | Configuring Trading Networks | Configuring Task Settings
Configuring Task Settings
Configure the settings for the delivery tasks used with the Deliver Document By processing action and the reliable execution tasks used with the Execute a Service processing action.
*To configure task settings
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B Settings > Configure Properties.
2. The reliable task manager thread becomes idle when all tasks have completed or failed or are in the wait period between attempts. Add or edit the tn.task.sweepTime property to specify the number of seconds the thread should remain idle before checking for delivery or service execution tasks that failed on their last attempt and that have not yet reached their retry limit.
The thread wakes up immediately when a new task arrives.
Typically, the wait between retries value is governed by the tasks listed in the following table:
Type of Task
Governing Property
The Wait between retries value in the receiving partner's profile.
Service execution
The tn.task.ttw property.
However, Trading Networks could wait as long as the tn.task.sweepTime. If the task manager thread is idle when the wait between retries expires, the task manager thread will not wake up to process the task until the tn.task.sweepTime expires.
3. Add or edit the properties below to configure the number of times Trading Networks is to try to execute services that use reliable execution and how long Trading Networks is to wait between attempts to re-execute a service that failed.
The following table lists the properties and the setting:
Number of times to try to re-execute a service. Specify an integer.
Number of milliseconds to wait before making the first attempt to re-execute a service that has failed.
Factor to use to determine how long to wait before making subsequent attempts to re-execute the service. Trading Networks calculates the time to wait by multiplying the last wait time by this factor. Specify a whole number greater than zero.
4. By default, Trading Networks uses the Administrator user account to invoke services. Add or edit the property to indicate the user account to use when invoking the service.
5. If you want to be notified when a task fails, add or set the tn.task.notifyFailure property to true. Trading Networks will publish an IS document with the format defined by the IS document type.
You can create an Integration Server trigger that subscribes to documents of this IS document type. For instructions, see the Publish-Subscribe Developer’s Guide.