API Gateway 11.1 | Using API Gateway | Define and Manage APIs | Updating APIs
Updating APIs
Updating an API by Importing an API from a File
Updating an API by Importing an API from a URL
You can update the definition of an existing API by uploading WSDL, Swagger, or RAML file or URL. The uploaded file can also be in a ZIP format. When an API is updated, it retains the Expose to consumers settings, the existing scope definitions, the configured policies, and the REST-enabled path configurations for SOAP API. You can also edit an API using the Edit option for minor edits, whereas the update feature helps you to overwrite the complete API definition using a file or a URL at the same time.
You can update an active API. You cannot modify the name and version of an API while updating an active API.
The active APIs are replaced with the updated API. The updated APIs do not become effective for ongoing requests. Updates to an activated API are propagated across a cluster and trigger a hot deploy on each cluster node separately.
You can update an existing API in the following ways:
*By importing an API definition from a file
*By importing an API definition from a URL