API Gateway 11.1 | Administering API Gateway | Operating API Gateway | Data Management | Data Backup | Advanced Backup Options | Creating Rollover of an Index
Creating Rollover of an Index
Rollover is essential for managing constantly growing indexes, such as analytics, log, and audit_auditlogs, by splitting them and transitioning older segments into a read-only state. This procedure outlines how to perform rollover actions based on conditions or thresholds.
Index rollover
You can perform rollover for the following indexes:
*To create rollover of an index
1. Ensure your external Elasticsearch cluster is up and running.
2. Select an index to rollover. For example, gateway_tenant_analytics.
3. Create the rollover of the index using the API:
POST /gateway_tenant_index/_rollover/target-index}
"conditions": {
rollover conditions
In the API:
*Replace tenant with the tenant name.
*Replace index with an index name. For example: analytics, log, and audit_auditlogs.
*Replace target-index with the target index name where the rollover results are stored.
*Replace rollover conditions with conditions based on your requirements.
A sample command to rollover analytics index for default tenant is as follows:
curl -si -X POST http://es-host:es-port/gateway_default_analytics/_rollover
A sample command to rollover analytics index for default tenant with conditions is as follows:
curl -si -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" -d '{"conditions": {"max_docs": 20000}}' http://es-host:es-port/gateway_default_analytics/_rollover/gateway_default_analytics_20240528
In this example, the external Elasticsearch cluster is assumed to be running on es-host with port es-port. The condition "max_docs": 20000 indicates that the rollover must occur when the index reaches 20,000 documents.
You can simulate rollover conditions without executing the rollover using the dry_run query parameter.
A sample command to simulate the rollover conditions using the dry_run query parameter is as follows:
curl -si -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" -d '{"conditions": {"max_size": "20m"}}' http://es-host:es-port/gateway_default_analytics/_rollover/gateway_default_analytics_efgh?dry_run
In this example, external Elasticsearch checks if the analytics index has reached a maximum size of 20MB.
A sample response is as follows:
"acknowledged": false,
"shards_acknowledged": false,
"old_index": "gateway_default_analytics_abcd",
"new_index": "gateway_default_analytics_efgh",
"rolled_over": false,
"dry_run": true,
"conditions": {
"[max_size: 20mb]": false
4. Optional. Automated rollover
Implement automated policies using Index Lifecycle Management (ILM) to manage rollover phases (hot, warm, delete) for constantly growing indexes. For more information about ILM configuration, see Elasticsearch documentation.