API Gateway 11.1 | Administering API Gateway | Operating API Gateway | Users, Groups, and Teams | Team Support | How do I Assign Teams Using Team Assignment Rule?
How do I Assign Teams Using Team Assignment Rule?
This use case explains how to assign teams to API Gateway assets using team assignment rules.
Team assignment rules are used to assign teams to existing assets and the ones you create. You can create a rule by specifying a set of required conditions. Assets are validated against the given conditions and assigned to the configured teams. If you do not provide any conditions for a rule, the rule is assigned to all assets in API Gateway when you activate the rule.
This section explains the steps to configure conditions and team names for creating a rule. Also, it lists the steps to activate rule to apply the rule to assets.
In this example, consider a team of users who must be enabled to view all assets. To achieve this, you can create a team called ViewAllAssets, and create a rule by selecting all assets and no conditions. When no conditions are specified, the rule is applied to all assets. When you activate this rule, all assets are assigned to the ViewAllAssets team.
The use case starts when you have a team and ends when you create a team assignment rule and activate the rule. All assets are assigned to the specified team and the team members can view all assets.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have:
*API Gateway administrator privileges.
*The team support feature enabled. For information on enabling the feature, see Enabling Team Support.
*Ensure that the team, ViewAllAssets is created. For information on creating team, see Creating Teams.
*To assign teams using team assignment rule
1. Expand the menu options icon Menu options, in the title bar, and select User management.
2. Click Global team assignments.
3. Click Add global team assignment.
The Team assignment rule page appears.
4. Provide the name and description of the rule in corresponding fields.
In this example, ViewRule is provided in the Name field.
Team assignment rule
5. Click Continue to filters >.
6. Select any or all assets in the Asset type field to apply the rule to the selected asset types.
Available asset types are API, Application, Plan, and Packages.
7. Select any one of the following from the Logical operator field:
*AND. To apply the rule only if an asset satisfies all conditions.
*OR. To apply the rule when an asset satisfies any of the given condition.
8. To specify a condition based on the asset attributes, provide the following information, and click Add:
Specifies the asset attribute.
Available attributes: Name, Description, Tags.
The global team assignment rule supports only API level tags.
If you select multiple asset types, the tag filter is applicable to the API type alone and is not applicable for the for other asset types during filter evaluation.
Comparison operator to validate the attribute against the given value.
Available operators:
*Equals. Checks if the specified asset attribute is equal to the given value.
*Contains. Checks if asset contains the given value as a part of its name, description, or tag.
*Start with. Checks if asset name, description, or tag starts with the given value.
*Ends with. Checks if asset name, description, or tag ends with the given value.
Value of the attribute.
For this use case, the rule has to be applied to all assets irrespective of their attributes. So, all asset types are selected and no condition is specified.
Team assigment rule
9. Click Continue to assign teams >.
10. Provide the required team names in the Name field.
For this use case, select the ViewAllAssets team.
Team assigment rule
11. Click Save.
The rule appears in the Global team assignment page.
12. Click the toggle buttonToggle button, adjacent to the rule.
Team assignments
The rule is activated and applied across all existing assets. As per the rule, all assets are assigned to the ViewAllAssets team.
13. Click APIs from the title bar and select DevAPI.
The API details page for the API appears.
Note that the API is assigned to the ViewAllAssets team as per the ViewAssetsRule.
API details