API Gateway 11.1 | Staging and Promotion | Asset Promotion | Promoting Assets from API Gateway User Interface | Repromoting Assets
Repromoting Assets
You must have the Manage promotions functional privilege assigned to perform this task.
If you have made recent changes to an asset's information, you can repromote the updated asset to the already promoted target stages.
If you have to update an asset, for example, you want to correct an attribute setting, modify the asset's description, that has already been promoted to a target stage, you can simply make the change directly to the asset in the source target and then repromote the updated asset to the target stage just as you did with the previous version of the asset. In a multi-stage environment, you have to repromote the updated assets in each of the participating API Gateway instances.
*To repromote assets
1. Expand the menu options icon menu_options, in the title bar, and select Promotion management.
2. Select Promotions.
The Promotions tab displays a list of available promotion histories in API Gateway.
3. Click the Repromote icon for the required assets' promotion history.
The Stages page appears.
4. Select the target stages to that you want to repromote the assets, dependencies, and administrative configurations.
5. Click Next.
The Promote page appears.
6. Provide the following information:
Name of the promotion.
Description of the promotion.
The Overwrite assets if exists on selected stages option allows you to overwrite assets that exist on the target stages. If you do not want to overwrite assets in the target stages, clear this check box.
7. Click Promote.
The selected assets, dependencies, and administrative configurations are repromoted to the selected stages.
The Stage-specific promotion status page displays the status of the asset repromotion in each of the selected stages. The available values are:
The page also displays the reason if the repromotion fails.