API Gateway 11.1 | Administering API Gateway | Operating API Gateway | General Administration Configuration | Web Services Endpoint Alias | Creating an Endpoint Alias for a Consumer Web Service Descriptor
Creating an Endpoint Alias for a Consumer Web Service Descriptor
A web service endpoint alias for use with a consumer web service descriptor that has a JMS binder specifies how and where API Gateway sends a request message when executing a web service descriptor.
When creating a consumer web service descriptor, API Gateway extracts the JMS information from the WSDL document and saves it with the binder information in the web service descriptor. However, as indicated in the SOAP over Java Message Service standard, the only JMS information required in the WSDL is the lookup variant and the destination name. Consequently, it is possible that some information necessary to connect to the JMS provider is absent from the WSDL. API Gateway uses the information in a JMS consumer web service endpoint alias to replace or supplement the JMS information specified in the WSDL document.
When creating a consumer web service descriptor, the message addressing properties define the WS-addressing headers information that can be attached to the SOAP message.
Keep the following points in mind when creating a web service endpoint alias for use with a consumer web service descriptor with a SOAP over JMS binding:
*A JMS consumer web service endpoint alias can specify one of the following options to connect to a JMS provider:
*JNDI provider alias and a connection factory
*JMS connection alias
Only specify a JNDI provider alias and connection factory, or JMS connection alias, if information for connecting to the JMS provider was not included in the WSDL document used to create the consumer web service descriptor or if you want to overwrite the connection information included in the WSDL document.
*If you want to use the client side queue with the web service descriptor to which the alias is assigned, you must specify a JMS connection alias as the way to connect to the JMS provider.
*Information in the JMS consumer web service endpoint alias can supplement or replace the JMS URI information obtained from a WSDL.
*To create a consumer web service endpoint alias for use with JMS
1. Expand the menu options icon menu_options, in the title bar, and select Administration.
2. Select General > Web services.
API Gateway displays a list of all the currently defined endpoint aliases.
3. Click Add web service endpoint alias.
4. In the Webservice endpoint alias properties section, provide the following information:
Name of the JMS provider web service endpoint alias.
The alias name cannot include the following special characters: # ©\ & @ ^ ! % * : $ . / \ \ ` ; , ~ + = ) ( | } { ] [ > < "
A description for the endpoint alias.
Specifies the type - Consumer
Execute ACL
Specifies the ACL that governs which user groups on your server can use this web service endpoint alias.
Select an ACL from the drop-down list. By default, only members of groups governed by the Internal ACL can use this alias.
5. In the JMS transport properties section, provide the following information depending upon whether you want to connect to the JMS provider using a connection factory or a JMS connection alias:
JNDI properties
Select this option if you want to connect to the JMS provider using a connection factory.
Provide the following information:
*JNDI provider alias. The alias for the JNDI provider that API Gateway uses to look up administered objects.
*Connection factory name. The lookup name for the connection factory to use to create a connection to the JMS provider.
You have to specify a connection factory only if the WSDL document used to create the consumer web service descriptor does not specify a connection factory or you want to overwrite the connection factory.
JMC connection alias
Select this option if you want to connect to the JMS provider using a JMS connection alias.
Provide the following information:
JMS connection alias. The name of the JMS connection alias that you want API Gateway to use to connect to the JMS provider.
6. In the WS security properties section, provide the following information:
The user name to include with the UsernameToken.
The password to include with the UsernameToken (must be plain text).
Retype password
Re-type the above password.
Keystore alias
Alias to the keystore that contains the private key used to:
*Sign outbound SOAP requests
*Include an X.509 authentication token for outbound SOAP requests
*Decrypt inbound SOAP responses
To verify messages from this consumer, the web services provider must have a copy of the corresponding public key.
Key alias
Alias to the private key used to sign or include X.509 authentication token for outbound SOAP messages or decrypt inbound SOAP responses.
The key must be in the keystore specified in Keystore alias.
Truststore alias
The alias for the truststore that contains the list of CA certificates that API Gateway uses to validate the trust relationship.
Timestamp precision
Specifies whether the timestamp is precise to the second or millisecond.
If you set the precision to milliseconds, API Gateway uses the timestamp format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss:SSS'Z'. If you set the precision to seconds, API Gateway uses the timestamp format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'.
If you do not select a precision value, API Gateway uses the value specified for the watt.server.ws.security.timestampPrecisionInMilliseconds parameter.
Timestamp time to live (seconds)
Specifies the time-to-live value for the outbound message in seconds.
API Gateway uses the time-to-live value to set the expiry time in the Timestamp element of outbound messages. The Timestamp Time to Live value must be an integer greater than 0.
If you do not specify a Timestamp time to live value, API Gateway uses the value specified for the watt.server.ws.security.timestampTimeToLive parameter.
The Timestamp time to live value should be greater than the Time to live value specified under JMS transport properties.
Timestamp maximum skew (seconds)
Specifies the maximum number of seconds that the web services client and host clocks can differ and still allow timestamp expiry validation to succeed.
Specify a positive integer or zero.
API Gateway uses the timestamp maximum skew value only when you implement WS-Security via a WS-Policy. API Gateway validates the inbound SOAP message only when the creation timestamp of the message is less than the sum of the timestamp maximum skew value and the current system clock time.
If you do not specify a timestamp maximum skew value, API Gateway uses the value specified for the watt.server.ws.security.timestampMaximumSkew parameter.
7. Click Add.
The web service endpoint alias created is listed in a table under Web service endpoints list.