API Gateway 11.1 | Getting Started with API Gateway | Deployment | Connecting to Elasticsearch Database and Kibana
Connecting to Elasticsearch Database and Kibana
API Gateway requires Elasticsearch database to store its data and Kibana to visualize data as part of the analytics dashboard. You must download Elasticsearch and Kibana and perform configurations to enable your API Gateway instance to use it.
To connect API Gateway to external Elasticsearch database
1. Download the latest supported version of Elacticsearch for the current API Gateway version from the following URL: https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch
2. Unzip the downloaded Elasticsearch folder.
3. Configure Elasticsearch. For detailed information on how to configure Elasticsearch, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/settings.html.
4. Navigate to SAG_Install_Dir/IntegrationServer/packages/WmAPIGateway/config/resources/elasticsearch .
5. Open config.properties.
6. Set the values for the following properties:
*pg.gateway.elasticsearch.autostart to false.
*pg.gateway.elasticsearch.hosts to localhost:9240.
7. Save the configuration of the config.properties file.
8. Open analyticsds.properties.
9. Set the value of the property apigw.analytics.ds.hosts to localhost:9240.
10. Save the configuration of the analyticsds.properties file.
The connection is established.
To connect API Gateway to Kibana
1. Download the latest version of Kibana from the following URL: https://www.elastic.co/downloads/kibana
2. Unzip the downloaded Kibana folder.
3. Configure Kibana. For detailed information on how to configure Kibana, see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/settings.html.
4. Navigate to Install_Dir/Kibana/Kibana-${ES_VERSION}/bin.
5. Open command prompt in this location and run the following command:
bat 'start cmd.exe /c kibana.bat --port=9405 --server.basePath="/apigatewayui/dashboardproxy" --server.host="" --elasticsearch.hosts="
--pid.file="kibana.pid" &'
The connection is established.