API Gateway 11.1 | Administering API Gateway | Operating API Gateway | Destination Configuration | Configuring external Elasticsearch Destination | Troubleshooting Tips: Elasticsearch Destination
Troubleshooting Tips: Elasticsearch Destination
The transaction logs are not stored in the external Elasticsearch
When I view the Analytics tab of an API, some of the transaction events are not displayed. For example, when the default limit of the total fields of that index exceeds 50000, I see the following error message in the Server Log:
type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"Limit of total fields [50000] in index [gateway_default_analytics] has been exceeded .
Increase the limit of total fields for that index using the following PUT REST calls, depending on the version of the API Gateway:
*For 10.3 and lower versions, increase the limit using the following PUT REST call and sample payload:
http://<Elasticsearch host:port>/gateway_default_analytics/<TYPE>/_settings
Sample Payload:

"index.mapping.total_fields.limit": 70000
*For 10.5 and higher versions, increase the limit using the following PUT REST call and sample payload:
http://<Elasticsearch host:port>/gateway_default_analytics_<TYPE>/_settings
Sample Payload:

"index.mapping.total_fields.limit": 70000