API Gateway 11.1 | Using API Gateway | Monitor APIs | API-specific Dashboard
API-specific Dashboard
You can view the API-specific dashboard by navigating to the API details page and click Analytics.
Select the API-specific dashboard from the drop-down list. The dashboard displays the following analytics based on the metrics monitored.
To filter the API-specific analytics, select the time interval using the options:
*Quick select. Specify the time interval. Click Apply to filter the analytics based on the time interval.
*Commonly used. Select a commonly used time interval, and the filter is applied automatically. To view the API-specific analytics between a time interval, click Custom range > From Date > To Date > Apply.
*Recently used. Select a recently used time interval, and the filter is applied automatically.
When you log in and view the analytics, the last used time interval is saved for each dashboard. When you view the dashboard again, the last used time interval for that dashboard is applied. The last used time interval is valid for the current session only.
For the specified time interval, you can also filter based on an API. The API drop-down list displays all the APIs. On selecting an API, the data displayed is for the selected API.
You can click on the specific event in the list under Legend to view the specific event in any of the widgets. You can view additional details for an event by hovering the cursor over a particular color in the graphical representations.
Events over time
Displays the trending of events generated by the selected API over time.
API invocations
Displays the number of times the API was invoked during the specified time.
API invocations - Status wise
Displays the number of successful API invocations and failed API invocations during the specified time.
API invocations is the sum of successful API invocations and failed API invocations.
API invocation pattern
Displays API invocation over period of time during the specified time interval in the form of a line graph.
Native service performance
Displays information on how fast the native service responds to the request received in the specified time based on the data in the transactional event.
Gateway vs Provider time
Displays the comparison between gatewayTime performance and providerTime performance.
Response code trend
Displays the trend based on the response codes received from various events for the API during the specified time.
API trend by response
Displays the trending of the selected API based on the response time from the performance metrics for that API.
Success vs Failure
Displays the trending of API based on its success rate as compared to its failure rate in the performance metrics for the specified time.
Runtime events
Displays the run time event details for the selected API. Displays information on the event type, date when the event was created, the agent on which the event was generated, description of the alert generated, the source of event, and the application that generated the event.
Service result cache
Displays a bar graph showing the number of responses served from cache and the number of responses fetched from the native service at the operation level for the selected API during the specified time.
The Service result cache metric graphical representation is not supported for GraphQL API.
Method level invocations
Displays the method level invocations per operation for the API during the specified time.
You can hover the cursor over the stacked bar chart to view the various methods invoked per operation or resource and also the operations or resources for the selected API during the specified time.
The Service result cache metric graphical representation is not supported for GraphQL API.