API Gateway 11.1 | Using API Gateway | Implement APIs | API First Implementation | List of Parameters used in API Implementation
List of Parameters used in API Implementation
The following are some of the parameters used during API implementation:
Endpoint URLs of the native service. This parameter is mandatory to route the requests to this implemented API. The existing endpoint values of the routing policies of the API are replaced with the URLs given against this parameter.
You can provide multiple HTTP and HTTPS URLs for this parameter. The URLs that you provide for this parameter appears under the Native endpoint(s) section in the Technical information page of API Gateway. The first URL among the list of URLs is used in the routing policies by this update call. If you want to use any other URL in the routing policies, you can update the API policies accordingly.
Indicates the maturity state of APIs. Use this parameter to search for an API based on its maturity state and retrieve the API for implementation. Also, you can use this to update the maturity state of an API after implementation.
Typically, the value of this parameter would be the consecutive state defined in the apiMaturityStatePossibleValues extended setting configuration.
For example,
If any of the following states are configured in the apiMaturityStatePossibleValues setting : Design, Implementation, Testing, Production; and current state of an API is Implementation, then you must specify Testing as the parameter value because that would be next stage as per the configuration.