API Gateway 11.1 | Using API Gateway | Define and Manage APIs | Viewing API List and API Details | SOAP API Details
SOAP API Details
The API details view for a SOAP API displays the details of the API such as Basic and Technical information, Operations available, REST transformation details, API mocking details, and specifications. You can also view the scopes associated, policies enforced, registered applications and the API-specific analytics.
The table lists the API details displayed for the API
Basic information
Displays the information about the API, such as Name, Version, Owner of the API, the teams that the API is assigned to, status of the API whether its is Active or Inactive, the maturity state of the API, the date on which the API was created and a brief description of the API.
Technical information
Displays the following endpoints of the API:
*Native endpoints.
*Gateway endpoints. Displays these endpoints when the API is deployed to a gateway.
*Service Registry display name. Displays the name of the service registry where the API is deployed.
Displays a list of operations available in the API and they are sorted alphabetically.
Operations are displayed along with their type of binding (SOAP 11 , SOAP 12, and other HTTP methods). Click each method to view details such as input, output, and fault messages.
REST transformation
Displays a list of operations exposed as REST resources and they are sorted alphabetically.
Operations are displayed along with their type of binding. Click each method to view details such as input, output, and fault messages.
API mocking
Details are visible only when API mocking is enabled.
Displays a list of mocked responses for the operations in the API, custom IS service list and conditions along with its mocked response that contains the status code and mock payload details.
Displays a list of specifications for the API.
Various tabs displayed in the API details page display the following details:
*The Scopes tab lists the scopes available for the API.
*The Policies tab displays the policies enforced for the API.
*The Applications tab displays all the applications registered with the API.
*The Analytics tab displays the API-specific analytics for the time interval selected.
You can perform the following operations from the API details page:
*You can enable API mocking by clicking the Enable mocking button. If API mocking is enabled, you can disable it by clicking the Disable mocking button. This option is available when the API is in the deactivated state.
*You can update an API by importing from file or from URL by clicking the Update button. This option is available when the API is in the deactivated state.
*You can create a new version of the API by clicking the Create new version button.
*You can modify details of an API by clicking the Edit button. This option is available when the API is in the deactivated state.
*You can activate an API by clicking the Activate button. If the API is already activated, you can deactivate it by clicking the Deactivate button.
Exposing a SOAP API to Applications
An active SOAP API exposes its WSDL with a couple of adaptions:
*The service name becomes the selected API Name.
*Custom endpoints as well as URL aliases appear with separate port elements.
*The HTTP and HTTPS endpoints are exposed if they meet the respective settings in the Transport policy.
*The SOAP and SOAP12 entries are exposed if they meet the respective settings in the Transport policy.
*Only enabled operations are exposed.
*The values from the Inbound Auth - Message policy are integrated into the WSDL as ws:Policy entries. Note that the original ws:Policy entries from the importing WSDL are not considered.