API Gateway 11.1 | Using API Gateway | Microservices | Microgateways | Microgateway Details
Microgateway Details
The Microgateway details page provides information about a particular Microgateway.
The Microgateway Info tab includes two sections:
*The Basic information section provides information about the Microgateway.
*The APIs tab section provides the information of the APIs provisioned on that Microgateway. Clicking an API opens the API details page. The active Microgateway endpoints of the API are also displayed in the API details page.
All the Service Registries to which a Microgateway is publishing an API must be configured in API Gateway.
You can perform the following operations on this page:
*Click an API to view the API details.
*Click Analytics to view detailed analytics based on the data received from an individual Microgateway. The tab includes the following analytic graphs:
*Overall events
*Application activity
*Runtime events
*Payload size
*Similar to the Microgateway Group Analytics tab, you can apply required filters and view specific events. For more information about the widgets and instructions to view graphs, see Microgateway Group Analytics.