API Gateway 11.1 | Using API Gateway | Define and Manage APIs | Creating an API from Scratch | Creating a WebSocket API from Scratch
Creating a WebSocket API from Scratch
You must have the Manage APIs or Activate/deactivate APIs functional privilege assigned to perform this task.
You need the WebSocket port to access the WebSocket API. Assigning global and API-specific policies is similar to assigning policies to REST or SOAP APIs.
You can not apply global policies and policy templates to a WebSocket API.
*To create a WebSocket API from scratch
1. Click APIs in the title navigation bar.
2. Click Create API.
3. Select Create from scratch.
4. Select WebSocket.
5. Click Create.
6. Provide the following information in the Basic information section:
Name of the API.
Version of the API.
Team to which the API must be assigned.
This option is visible only if you have enabled the Teams feature.
You can select more than one team. To remove a team, click the delete icon next to the team to be removed.
Description of the API.
7. Click Continue to provide technical information for this API>.
Alternatively, you can click Technical information to go to the Technical information section.
Click Save to save the API at this stage and provide the technical information for the API at a later time.
8. Provide the following information in the Technical information section:
a. Type the WS URL in the WS Url field.
The format used is ws://hostname:port/path.
b. Click + Add parameter and provide the following information:
Name of the parameter.
Description of the parameter.
Specifies the parameter type.
Available values are: Query-string, Header.
Data type
Specifies the data type.
Available values are: String, Date, Date time, Integer, Double, Boolean.
Select this to specify that the parameter is required.
Select this to specify that the array is required.
Type the required value and click + to add the value.
Click add to include multiple values.
c. Click + Add message and provide the following information.
Specifies the origin of the message.
Available values are: Server, Client.
Specifies the message type.
Available types are: Text, Binary
Sample message payload
Provide the sample message payload.
Message description
Provide the message description.
Click add to include multiple messages.
9. Click Save.