API Gateway 11.1 | Administering API Gateway | Operating API Gateway | Destination Configuration | Configuring Email Destination
Configuring Email Destination
Configuring Email Templates
You have to configure email as a destination to receive alert notifications. The alerts are sent to the email ID specified in the Log Invocation, Monitor Performance, Monitor SLA, and Traffic Optimization policies. Before configuring email as a destination, you must perform the following email server configurations to establish a connection between API Gateway and the email server.
*To configure Email destination
1. Expand the menu options icon menu_options, in the title bar, and select Administration.
2. Select Destinations.
3. Select Email > Configuration.
4. Provide the following information:
SMTP server
The server name or the IP address of the SMTP server that API Gateway uses to send the messages.
The port that API Gateway uses to connect to the specified SMTP server.
Transport layer security
The SSL encryption type that API Gateway uses when communicating with an email server. Use one of the following transport layer security options:
*None. Default. Use an unsecure mode when API Gateway is communicating with an email server. When you specify None, the email server authenticates the email client using only the username and password.
*Explicit. Use explicit security when API Gateway is communicating with an email server. With this type of security, API Gateway initially establishes an unsecure connection with the email server and then upgrades to the secure mode.
With explicit transport layer security, API Gateway communicates with the email servers that support SSL encryption and also with those that do not support SSL encryption. If the email server does not support transport layer security, API Gateway disconnects the connection which was established earlier with the email server. You can then establish an unsecure connection by selecting None in the Transport layer security field and enable the port.
*Implicit. Use implicit security when API Gateway communicates with an email server. With this type of security, API Gateway always establishes an encrypted connection with the email server. Only clients that support SSL are allowed to access API Gateway.
Truststore alias
The truststore that API Gateway uses while sending the request to a native API. Truststore is a repository that stores all the trusted public certificates.
Default email charset
The character set that API Gateway uses to be recognized by the system. Type the character set in the Default email charset field. By default, API Gateway uses UTF-8 character set for the messages.
From email
The email address from which you want to send the alerts.
Test email
The email address to which you want to send the test email. This email address can be the same as the From email address.
Internal email
The email address to which you want to send critical log entry messages. Typically, you would specify the e-mail address for the API Gateway Administrator.
Service email
The email address to which you want to send service failure message. In a development environment, you might direct these messages to the developer. In a production environment, you might direct these messages to the API Gateway Administrator.
5. Click Test.
This tests the communication channel between API Gateway and the configured email server.
6. Click Save to save the specified email configuration value.
You can click Cancel to revert to the last saved changes or to abandon all the changes if the values are not saved.
After performing the server configurations, select Email as a Destination in the Policies properties page for each policy, to receive the email alerts for the assigned policies.