API Gateway 11.1 | Administering API Gateway | Operating API Gateway | Destination Configuration | Configuring CentraSite Destination
Configuring CentraSite Destination
You have to configure CentraSite as a destination to establish a communication channel between API Gateway and CentraSite to exchange data.
Once an API Gateway asset is published from CentraSite to API Gateway, the CentraSite communication and SNMP configuration details automatically appear in the CentraSite destination of API Gateway. If the same API Gateway asset is unpublished from the API Gateway instance at a later time, the CentraSite communication and SNMP configuration details are automatically removed from the CentraSite destination.
If you have already configured CentraSite as a destination in API Gateway, then publishing another API Gateway asset from any CentraSite instance to API Gateway fails and displays an error. In API Gateway, only one CentraSite instance can be configured as a destination at a time. To reconfigure another CentraSite instance, you need to use the Force reset CentraSite communication and SNMP details option.
*To configure CentraSite destination
1. Expand the menu options icon menu_options, in the title bar, and select Administration.
2. Select Destinations.
3. Select CentraSite > Configuration to configure the CentraSite communication and SNMP details.
The Communication section displays the following information:
Specifies the communication protocol used to establish communication between API Gateway and CentraSite.
Specifies the host name or IP address of the machine on which CentraSite Application Server Tier (CAST) is running.
UDDI port
Specifies the port on which CAST is listening. The default port number for CAST is 53307.
Specifies the CentraSite user ID for authenticating CentraSite when API Gateway communicates with CentraSite. This implies the user ID of a user who has the CentraSite Administrator role or the API Gateway Administrator role in CentraSite.
Target name
Specifies the name of the API Gateway asset as defined in CentraSite.
The SNMP section displays the following information:
Specifies the wire transport protocol that is used by the SNMP Listener.
Supported values are: TCP and UDP.
Specifies the CentraSite host name or IP address to which the SNMP listener binds.
Specifies the port to which the SNMP listener binds. The default port number for CentraSite's SNMP server is 8181.
Specifies the SecurityName that is used by the SNMP Listener.
Authorization protocol
Specifies the authorization protocol that is used by the SNMP Listener for decoding the incoming trap.
Supported values are: MD5 and SHA.
Privacy protocol
Specifies the privacy protocol that is used by the SNMP Listener for decoding the incoming trap.
Supported values are: AES128, AES, AES192, AES256, 3DES, and DESEDE.
4. Select Send SNMP traps to CentraSite to publish data about the runtime events and metrics to the CentraSite SNMP server.
5. Select Force reset CentraSite communication and SNMP details, and click Reset to delete the current configuration and restore the system configuration.
6. Click Save.
This establishes a communication channel between API Gateway and CentraSite.
The transaction events are published from API Gateway to CentraSite using SNMP. The runtime metrics are published from API Gateway to CentraSite using a UDDI client.