API Gateway 11.1 | Administering API Gateway | Operating API Gateway | Destination Configuration | Configuring Transaction Logger Destination
Configuring Transaction Logger Destination
You have to configure transaction logger as a destination to receive the API Gateway transaction event logs. The transaction log data is written to a file or a database based on the configurations. The events are sent to the log file for the Log Invocation policy.
Any modifications to the API Gateway transaction logger destination in Integration Server do not reflect in API Gateway UI. Hence, it is recommended to not configure or modify API Gateway transaction logger destination through the Integration Server Administrator UI.
*To configure transaction logger destination
1. Expand the menu options icon menu_options, in the title bar, and select Administration.
2. Select Destinations.
3. Select Transaction logger.
The default name of the transaction log, API Gateway Transaction Logger appears in the Name field.
4. Click the Enable activation toggle button to enable the logger to start writing the log entries to the database or the file.
5. Provide the following information:
Specifies whether the logger is to write entries to the destination synchronously or asynchronously.
*Synchronous: In this mode, the logger writes entries directly to the destination.
*Asynchronous: In this mode, the logger writes entries to a queue, then later writes the entries from the queue to the destination. Each logger has its own queue.
Provides data about guaranteed delivery transactions. You can use guaranteed delivery log entries to do the following:
*Track when transactions start and their current status.
*See the names of guaranteed delivery processes that are running.
*Track whether the processes completed successfully or failed.
The default value is No.
Specifies whether the logger is to write entries to a file or database.
*Database: If this option is selected, the logger writes entries to the database.
You must ensure that in IBM webMethods Integration Server, a pool alias is associated to the ISCoreAudit functional alias. For more information on pool alias, see IBM webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
*File: If this option is selected, the logger writes entries to the file in SAGInstallDir/msr/IntegrationServer/packages/WmAPIGateway/logs/APIGateway directory. The default value is file.
Maximum queue size
Specifies the maximum number of entries the queue can hold. Specify numerals only (for example, do not include commas or periods).
The default value is 100000 records.
Choose a value that accommodates your system’s average volume for log entries. If your logging volume has sudden spikes, the queue can usually catch up by writing the pending entries during lulls. If the queue size is reached, then any additional log entries would be lost. Ensure to check the availability of disk space or memory of API Gateway server before you change the default value.
Maximum retries
Specifies the maximum times the logger must retry writing the entry to the destination if the first attempt fails because of a transient error. A transient error is an error that arises from a temporary condition that might be resolved or corrected quickly, such as the unavailability of a resource due to network issues or failure to connect to a database. The default value is 3.
Wait between retries
Specifies the waiting time before the logger can reconnect and rewrite the eateries to the destination in case of failure. The default value is 5 seconds.
6. Click Save to save the specified transaction log configuration value.
For these modifications to take effect, you must restart the API Gateway server.
You can click Cancel to revert to the last saved changes or to abandon all the changes if the values are not saved.
After performing the events configurations, you must select Audit Log as a Destination in the Policies properties page for the Log Invocation policy, to receive the transaction event logs for the assigned policies. You can specify Audit Log as a destination only for the Log Invocation policy.