API Gateway 11.1 | Staging and Promotion | Asset Promotion | Promoting Assets from API Gateway User Interface | Adding a Stage
Adding a Stage
You must have the Manage promotions functional privilege assigned to perform this task.
API Gateway can contain one or more stages. You define a stage to represent the asset's lifecycle such as development, test, and production.
*To add a stage
1. Expand the menu options icon menu_options, in the title bar, and select Promotion management > Stages.
2. Click Add Stage.
3. Provide the following information in the Basic information section:
Mandatory. Name of the stage.
A stage name must be unique within API Gateway.
Description of the stage.
4. Provide the following information in the Technical information section:
Stage URL
The URL of the host machine where the stage is deployed on an API Gateway installation.
The Stage URL value is specified in the format, scheme://host:port. The scheme is http or https. The host is the host name of the machine on which the target API Gateway instance is running. The port is the port number of the target API Gateway instance.
The username of a registered API Gateway user who has the Manage promotions or Manage assets functional privilege in the target API Gateway instance.
A valid password of the API Gateway user identified by the attribute Username.
Keystore alias
The alias of the keystore containing the private key that is used for performing asset promotion from one (source) stage to another (target) stage.
The Keystore alias field contains a list of the available keystore aliases in API Gateway. If there are no configured keystore aliases, this field lists the default Integration Server keystore, DEFAULT_IS_KEYSTORE .
This field is required when the Stage URL scheme is set to https with Two-way SSL.
Key alias (signing)
The alias of the private key that is stored in the keystore specified by the keystore alias.
The Key alias field contains a list of the available aliases in the selected keystore. If there are no configured keystores, this field is empty.
This field is required when the Stage URL scheme is set to https with Two-way SSL.
5. Click Save.
The stage gets created and is displayed in the stages list on the Promotion Management > Stages screen. You can click Test to test the configuration before saving the details for creating a stage.
The Stages tab displays a list of the available stages in API Gateway. In addition to viewing the list of stages, you can also examine, modify the basic or the technical information of a stage at any time and delete a stage in the Stages tab to remove it from API Gateway permanently.