API Gateway 11.1 | Administering API Gateway | Operating API Gateway | Users, Groups, and Teams | Team Support | Creating Teams
Creating Teams
This use case explains how to create teams by assigning the required functional privileges and users to them.
This use case begins when you have identified the list of users who must given access to an asset or a particular set of assets and end when you have created a team including the identified users.
In this example, a team with developers called DevTeam is created with the Dev user group as the team members, User1 as the Team administrator, and all privileges under Manage API, Policies, and Applications are assigned to the team. The user, User1, is also allowed to approve the pending requests of the applications that the team owns.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have:
*API Gateway Manage user administration privilege.
*The user group, Dev is created. For information on how to create a user group, see Adding a Group.
*To create teams
1. Expand the menu options icon Menu options, in the title bar, and select User management.
2. Click Teams.
3. Click Add Team.
The Create Team page appears.
4. Provide the name and description of the team in respective fields.
5. In the Team Administrators section, provide any or both of the following:
*Login Id of the user who want to assign as a team administrator in the Login ID field.
*Name of the API Gateway user group or the LDAP group that you want to assign as team administrator in the Group name field.
You can search users or user groups based on the characters provided in the above fields. Select the required user from the list displayed.
For the example considered in this use case, the team is named as DevTeam and the User1 is specified as the team administrator.
Create team
6. In the Approvers section, provide any or both of the following:
*Users. Users who can view the pending requests of assets that the team is associated with. You can specify login Id of the required users.
*Group name. User groups that can view pending requests of assets that the team is associated with. The users from the specified groups can approve the pending requests of applications that the team owns and approve them. You can specify names of the required API Gateway user groups or the LDAP groups.
You can search users or user groups based on the characters provided in the above fields. Select the required user from the list displayed.
For the example considered in this use case, the User1 is specified as the approver.
7. Select the Include team administrators as approvers option.
If selected, the users and user groups specified in the Team Administrators section can view the pending requests of the applications that the team is associated with and approve them.
8. Click Continue to assign functional privileges >.
The Functional privileges list appears.
9. Select the functional privileges to be assigned to the team members. For information on the available functional privileges, see API Gateway Functional Privileges.
In this use case, you need to assign all privileges required to manage the APIs and applications assigned to the team. So, select all functional privileges under the APIs, Policies, and Applications section.
Funtional privileges
10. Click Continue to assign groups >.
The Find groups section appears.
11. In the Name field, provide the name of the user group that you want to add as team members.
For this use case, select the Dev user group that has all developers.
Create team
12. Click Save.
The team DevTeam is created and appears in the list of teams.
Teams list
You can now assign assets to the team.