API Gateway 11.1 | Using API Gateway | Implement APIs | Aliases | Creating an XSLT Transformation Alias
Creating an XSLT Transformation Alias
You must have the API Gateway's manage aliases functional privilege assigned to perform this task.
An XSLT transformation alias holds a list of XSLT style sheets. The name of the alias can be used in the XSLT Transformation policies for request and response processing.
*To create a transformation alias
1. Expand the menu options icon user menu, in the title bar, and select User management.
2. Click Create alias.
3. In the Basic information section, provide the following information:
Name of the alias.
Select XSLT Transformation alias.
Description of the alias.
4. Click Technical information and browse and select an XSLT style sheet in the Select transformation file field.
5. Specify a stage, if you want the alias to be applicable to a specific stage.
6. Click Save.