API Gateway 11.1 | Administering API Gateway | Deployment | Deployment Configurations | Externalizing Configurations | Using the Externalized Configuration Files
Using the Externalized Configuration Files
The API Gateway administrator provides configuration settings in one or more external configuration files and creates the master configuration file listing the external configuration files. On startup, API Gateway reads config-sources.yml file and loads all the external configuration source files that it references. The settings in the externalized configuration files override the respective internal configuration settings (such as uiconfiguration.properties, server.cnf). Once the API Gateway configuration space is updated, the rest of the API Gateway package gets loaded with the updated configuration settings.
For settings that are not given in the externalized configuration files, API Gateway use the settings given in the internal configuration files.
The below sample externalized configuration file template contains the configuration settings that the API Gateway administrator wants to externalize. The given external configuration settings overwrite the respective internal configuration settings. For the configuration settings that are not specified in the externalized configuration file, the settings given in the respective internal configuration files take precedence.


External Elasticsearch Configuration
Install and run external Elasticsearch, version 8.2.3.
The external Elasticsearch configuration and details section contains all the necessary properties for an external Elasticsearch HTTP client using which API Gateway connects to either an externally running external Elasticsearch server in API Gateway. The key configurations are as follows:
*tenantId. The API Gateway tenant id, using which the external Elasticsearch indices are created for that tenant.
*hosts. A comma separated list of external Elasticsearch instances. Example: host1:9200,host2:9240.
*autostart. Optional. If the value is not provided, by default it would be false. API Gateway would connect to the given external Elasticsearch hosts. If the value is set to true, API Gateway automatically starts the external Elasticsearch. In this case, the hosts should point to external Elasticsearch host and port. The default host for the external Elasticsearch is localhost:9240.
*http. The basic authentication credentials and HTTP-connection specific properties.
*https. If the enabled property within https is set to true, API Gateway uses the other https properties to connect to the configured hosts.
*sniff. These properties help in adding a new external Elasticsearch node to the external Elasticsearch cluster.
*outboundproxy. Outbound proxy settings between API Gateway and external Elasticsearch.
*clientHttpResponseSize. Maximum Response payload size in MB.
A sample external Elasticsearch configuration is as follows:
tenantId: apigateway
hosts: localhost:9200
autostart: false
username: elastic
password: changeme
keepAlive: true
keepAliveMaxConnections: 10
keepAliveMaxConnectionsPerRoute: 100
connectionTimeout: 1000
socketTimeout: 10000
maxRetryTimeout: 100000
enabled: false
keystoreFilepath: C:/softwares/elasticsearch/config/keystore-new.jks
truststoreFilepath: C:/softwares/elasticsearch/config/truststore-new.ks
keystoreAlias: root-ca
keystorePassword: 6572b9b06156a0ff778c
truststorePassword: manage
enforceHostnameVerification: false
enable: false
timeInterval: 1000
enabled: false
alias: somealias
clientHttpResponseSize: 1001231
Analytics Data Store Configuration
Install and run external Elasticsearch, version 8.2.3.
The analytics data store configuration supports setting the analytics data store to store analytics data separately from the core data. It also contains the required properties to establish a communication channel between API Gateway and analytics data store to exchange data. The key configurations are as follows:
*tenantId. The API Gateway tenant id, using which the external Elasticsearch indices are created for that tenant.
*hosts. A comma separated list of external Elasticsearch instances. Example: host1:9200, host2:9240.
*http. The basic authentication credentials and HTTP-connection specific properties.
*https. The HTTPS-connection specific properties. If the enabled property within https is set to true, API Gateway uses the other https properties to connect to the configured hosts.
*sniff. These properties help in adding a new external Elasticsearch node to the external Elasticsearch cluster.
*outboundproxy. Outbound proxy settings between API Gateway and Elasticsearch.
*clientHttpResponseSize. Maximum response payload size in MB.
A sample analytics data store configuration is as follows:

tenantId: default
hosts: localhost:9241
username: analyticsdatastore
password: changeme
keepAlive: true
keepAliveMaxConnections: 60
keepAliveMaxConnectionsPerRoute: 20
connectionTimeout: 2000
socketTimeout: 40000
maxRetryTimeout: 200000
enabled: false
keystoreFilepath: C:/softwares/analyticsdatastore/config/demouser-keystore.jks
truststoreFilepath: C:/softwares/analyticsdatastore/config/truststore.jks
keystoreAlias: cn=demouser
keystorePassword: 6572b9b06156a0ff778c
truststorePassword: 2c0820e69e7dd5356576
enforceHostnameVerification: false
enable: false
timeInterval: 70000
enabled: false
alias: somealias
clientHttpResponseSize: 200
External Kibana Configuration
Install external Kibana, version 8.2.3.
The external Kibana configuration supports setting the external Kibana server URL, which can point to either the one that is run by API Gateway or any externally running server. It also contains the SSL certificate related settings that would be used to connect to the SSL protected external Elasticsearch server. The key configurations are as follows:
*dashboardInstance. The external Kibana server URL in the format scheme://hostname:port. Example: http://vmabc:5601.
*autostart. Optional. If the value is not provided, by default it would be false. API Gateway would connect to the given external Kibana server. If the value is set to true, API Gateway automatically starts the external Kibana server. In this case, the hosts should point to external Kibana server host and port. The default value is http://localhost:9405.
*sslCA. A list of paths to the PEM file for the certificate authority for the external Elasticsearch instance.
*sslCert. The path to the PEM format certificate for SSL client authentication.
*sslKey. The client certificate key used for client authentication. These files are used to verify the identity of external Kibana to the external Elasticsearch server when it is SSL protected.
A sample external Kibana configuration is as follows:

dashboardInstance: http://localhost:9405
autostart: true
sslCA: C:/softwares/elasticsearch/config/SAG-B1HPWT2.pem
sslCert: C:/softwares/elasticsearch/config/SAG-B1HPWT2.crt
sslKey: C:/softwares/elasticsearch/config/SAG-B1HPWT2.key
Cluster Configuration
This section describes the cluster configuration steps for peer-to-peer clustering using Apache Ignite.
Peer-to-peer cluster configuration based on Apache Ignite technology
With peer-to-peer clustering the cluster members synchronize by using distributed caches. Therefore, each API Gateway server requires two ports. Hence, these ports have to be accessible for communication. If you have deployed the cluster on a traditional on-premise installation with real or virtual machines then the firewall must be open to the server ports.
In order to form a cluster, each cluster member requires information about possible other servers. If the cluster is deployed on a traditional on-premise installation, or as Docker containers, then you have to specify the names of the participating hosts. This is an initial member list. If you want to scale the cluster, you can include servers with host name that is not in the initial list. Such a server contacts any server in the initial list, and then negotiates joining the cluster.
If the cluster is deployed in a Kubernetes environment, the cluster specification requires the Kubernetes namespace and the name of the Kubernetes service that exposes the API Gateway deployment. New cluster members are then detected by checking the endpoints attached to the Kubernetes service.
In order to analyze the service endpoints you must start the API Gateway deployment with a service account with specific permissions. For details about the service account permissions, see API Gateway Clustering on Kubernetes.
The cluster configuration contains peer-to-peer cluster and the related external Elasticsearch cluster settings.
The cluster configuration for external Elasticsearch clustering settings is only applicable to external Elasticsearch.
The key configurations are as follows:
*aware. Specifies whether you want the server to participate in a cluster. A value of true indicates that clustering is enabled for the server. The default is false.
*name. Specifies the name of the cluster to which API Gateway belongs. Keep the following in mind when specifying the cluster name:
*The cluster name cannot include any periods ".". API Gateway converts any periods in the name to underscores when you save the cluster configuration.
*The cluster name cannot exceed 32 characters. If it does, API Gateway uses the first 20 characters of the supplied name and then a hash for the remaining characters.
*sessTimeout. Specifies the number of minutes an inactive session is retained in the clustered session store. The default is 60 minutes.
*actionOnStartupError. Specifies how API Gateway responds when an error at start up prevents API Gateway from joining the cluster. Possible values are:
*shutdown. API Gateway shuts down if it encounters any errors that prevent it from joining the cluster at start up.
*standalone. API Gateway starts as a stand-alone, unclustered API Gateway if it encounters any errors that prevent it from joining the cluster at start up. API Gateway continues to receive requests on inbound ports and serve requests. This is the default setting.
*quiesce. API Gateway starts as a stand-alone, unclustered API Gateway in quiesce mode if it encounters any errors that prevent it from joining the cluster at start up. When API Gateway is in quiesce mode, only the diagnostic port and quiesce port are enabled.
*ignite.discoveryPort. The port that is used to discover the participating cluster members. Each cluster member opens this port in order to be discoverable. Each server tries to contact other servers through this port. The discoveryPort must be different from the communicationPort.
*ignite.communicationPort. The port that is used to communicate between distributed caches. Each server opens this port to receive information and distribute distribute cache entries to other cluster members. The communicationPort must be different from the discoveryPort.
*ignite.portRange. The number of ports to include in the range available to multiple cluster members on the same host. The default value of the portRange parameter is 0.
The portRange parameter applies to both the discoveryPort and the communicationPort. When you specify a non-zero portRange value, ensure that the resulting ranges for the discovery port and the communication port do not overlap.
Generally, each cluster member is deployed on its own host. However, for trial or demo purposes you might have multiple cluster members on the same host. In such a situation, each server requires its own discovery and communication port, and must know the other servers' ports. You can use the portRange parameter to configure this scenario. The portRange is a number that defines the size of a port range. For example, if you configure the port with port number 10100 and portRange as 5, the resulting port range that is available is 10100 to 10105. When a server starts, it picks an unused port from the range 10100 to 10105, and uses the port to communicate with the other servers. Another server on start up can use an unused port from the same port range to communicate with the other servers. This allows all servers to use the same cluster configuration.
*ignite.hostnames. The list of initial host names participating in the cluster. The list is comma-separated.
*ignite.k8sServiceName. The name of the service that exposes the API Gateway deployment, in case of a Kubernetes cluster.
*ignite.k8sNamespace. The name of the Kubernetes namespace within which the API Gateway is deployed, in case of a Kubernetes cluster.
A sample cluster configuration for an on-premise or Docker deployment is as follows:
aware: true
name: APIGatewayCluster
sessTimeout: 60
actionOnStartupError: standalone
hostnames: daeirnd33974,daeirnd33562,daeirnd33974
discoveryPort: 10100
communicationPort: 10400
A sample cluster configuration for Kubernetes cluster is as follows:
aware: true
name: APIGatewayCluster
sessTimeout: 60
actionOnStartupError: standalone
k8sServiceName: api-gateway-service
k8sNamespace: api-gateway-namespace
discoveryPort: 10100
communicationPort: 10400
A sample cluster configuration for multiple servers on the same host is as follows:
aware: true
name: APIGatewayCluster
sessTimeout: 60
actionOnStartupError: standalone
hostnames: localhost
discoveryPort: 10100
communicationPort: 10400
portRange: 3
User Configuration
The user configuration supports configuring user and group information on the API Gateway server. By default, the local users created are assigned to the Everybody group. The key configurations are as follows:
*firstName. First name of the user.
*lastName. Last name of the user.
*password. Password of the user.
*emailAddresses. List of email addresses of the user.
*active. Active status of the user.
*language. Preferred language of the user.
*groups. Names of the groups the user belongs to.
A sample user configuration is as follows:

firstName: "stark"
lastName: "Koop"
password: "oops"
emailAddresses: [ tstk@sag.com, tstk@sag.co.uk ]
active: true
- "group1"
- "group2"
firstName: "Fred"
lastName: "Barker"
password: "oops"
emailAddresses: [ fred@sag.com ]
active: true
groups: [group1,group2]
firstName: "Bob"
lastName: "Tate"
password: "oops"
emailAddresses: [ bob@sag.com ]
active: true
Master Password Configuration
In API Gateway, you would be using passwords while enforcing security related policies, while connecting to various destinations such as, API Portal, CentraSite, Email, and SNMP, while configuring the security-related aliases, configuring outbound proxy servers, and so on.
To protect these passwords API Gateway encrypts them. By default, it encrypts them using Password-Based Encryption (PBE) standard, also known as PKCS5. This encryption method requires the use of an encryption key or master password that you specify.
The master password configuration supports configuring of encryption key or master password on the API Gateway server. The key configurations are as follows:
*expiry. Expiry interval for the master password.
*oldPassword. Current password of the user.
*newPassword. New password of the user.
A sample master password configuration is as follows:

expiry: "60"
oldPassword: "old1"
newPassword: "new1"
UI Configuration
The UI configuration supports configuring HTTP and HTTPS port on the API Gateway server.
The key HTTP and HTTPS configurations are as follows:
This parameter is applicable to HTTP and HTTPS.
Specifies the maximum size of the request and response HTTP header, specified in bytes. If not specified, this attribute is set to 8192 (8 KB).
This parameter is applicable to HTTP.
This property specifies the time, in milliseconds, after which the connection times out.
This parameter is applicable to HTTP and HTTPS.
This property overrides the server header for the HTTP response.
This parameter is applicable to HTTP and HTTPS.
Specifies the maximum number of request processing threads the connector creates, which determines the maximum number of simultaneous requests that API Gateway server can handle.
This parameter is applicable to HTTP and HTTPS.
This flag allows the servlet container to use a different, usually longer connection timeout during data upload.
This parameter is applicable to HTTP and HTTPS.
Specifies the minimum number of threads always kept running. This includes both active and idle threads.
This parameter is applicable to HTTP and HTTPS.
When a SSL port is required by the client, the request is redirected to this port number.
This parameter is applicable to HTTP and HTTPS.
Specifies the maximum queue length for incoming connection requests when all possible request processing threads are in use. Any requests received when the queue is full is refused. The default value is 100.
This parameter is applicable to HTTP and HTTPS.
Specifies the TCP port number on which this connector creates a server socket and awaits incoming connections.
This parameter is applicable to HTTP and HTTPS.
Set to true if you want calls to request.getRemoteHost() to perform DNS lookup in order to return the actual host name of the remote client. Set to false to skip the DNS lookup and return the IP address in string form instead (thereby improving performance).
This parameter is applicable to HTTP and HTTPS.
Enable or disable API Gateway web-app port.
This parameter is applicable to HTTP and HTTPS.
Identifies a proxy server and a port on the server through which you want to route requests.
This parameter is applicable to HTTPS.
Specifies the SSL protocols to use. A single value may enable multiple protocols. For more information, see JVM documentation. If not specified, the default is TLS.
This parameter is applicable to HTTPS.
Use this attribute to enable SSL traffic on a connector. The default value is false. To turn on SSL handshake or encryption or decryption on a connector set this value to true.When turning this value to true, set the scheme and the secure attributes to pass the correct request.getScheme() and request.isSecure() values to the servlets.
This parameter is applicable to HTTPS.
The keystore file type to use for the server certificate. If not specified, the default value is JKS.
This parameter is applicable to HTTPS.
The pathname of the keystore file where the server certificate is stored. By default, the pathname is the file .keystore in the operating system home directory of the user that is running Tomcat. If the keystoreType doesn't need a file use " " (empty string) for this parameter.
This parameter is applicable to HTTPS.
The password used to access the specified keystore file.
This parameter is applicable to HTTPS.
Set this attribute to the name of the protocol you wish to have returned by calls to request.getScheme().
This parameter is applicable to HTTPS.
Set this attribute to true if you wish to have calls to request.isSecure() to return true for requests received by this connector.
For more information on HTTP and HTTPS port configuration, see Apache Tomcat documentation.
A sample UI configuration is as follows:

maxHttpHeaderSize: "8192"
connectionTimeout: "20001"
server: "SoftwareAG-Runtime"
maxSpareThreads: "78"
disableUploadTimeout: "true"
minSpareThreads: "23"
redirectPort: "19073"
acceptCount: "102"
port: "11072"
enableLookups: "false"
enabled: "true"
alias: "defaultHttp"
maxHttpHeaderSize: "8192"
server: "SoftwareAG-Runtime"
maxSpareThreads: "72"
disableUploadTimeout: "true"
minSpareThreads: "22"
acceptCount: "104"
port: "11075"
enableLookups: "false"
enabled: "true"
alias: "defaultHttps"
sslProtocol: "tls"
sslEnabled: "true"
keystoreType: "xxy"
keystoreFile: "Test2"
keystorePass: "geheim"
scheme: "xScheme"
secure: "true"
Aliases Configuration
An alias in API Gateway holds environment-specific property values to use in policy routing configuration. API Gateway aliases can be defined through external configuration. The alias configuration supports configuring aliases on the API Gateway server.
The key configurations are as follows:
*name. A unique name for the alias.
*description. A description of the alias.
*type. Type of the alias. The following aliases configuration are supported:
*owner. Owner of the alias.
Sample configuration of the supported aliases are as follows:
simple alias configuration:

type: "simple"
value: "vmspar02w"
endpoint alias configuration:

type: "endpoint"
endPointURI: "http://vmspar02w:9998"
connectionTimeout: 30
readTimeout: 30
suspendDurationOnFailure: 0
optimizationTechnique: "None"
passSecurityHeaders: false
keystoreAlias: "ksAlias"
httpTransportSecurityAlias configuration:

type: "httpTransportSecurityAlias"
authType: "HTTP_BASIC"
userName: "Bob"
password: "R3Vlc3NJdA=="
domain: "EUR"
isConfigurationAlias configuration:

type: "isConfigurationAlias"
url: "http://localhost:5555"
username: "Administrator"
password: "bXlwYXNz"
keystoreAlias: "DEFAULT_IS_KEYSTORE"
keyAlias: "ssos"
packageName: "WmAPIGateway"
folderName: "test2"
importSwaggerBasedOnTags: "false"
enableMTOM: "true"
enforceWSICompliance: "true"
validateSchemaWithXerces: "true"
contentModelComplianceForWSDL: "Lax"

authServerAlias configuration:

type: "authServerAlias"
description: "Test Auth server"
expiry: "0"
accessTokenExpInterval: "3600"
authCodeExpInterval: "600"
algorithm: "null"
supportedGrantTypes: ["authorization_code","client_credentials","implicit"]
authServerType: "EXTERNAL"
issuer: "testIssuer"
certificateAlias: "sso"
jwksuri: "http://mytest.com"
description: "Issuer description"
introspectionEndpoint: "http://myendpoint"
clientId: "1234"
clientSecret: "c2VjcmV0"
user: "Administrator"
authorizeURL: "http://softwareag.com/authorize"
accessTokenURL: "http://softwareag.com/accessToken"
refreshTokenURL: "http://softwareag.com/authorize/refresh"
keyAlias: "ssos"
discoveryURL: "http://softwareag.com/.well-known/openid-configuration"

The properties of the supported aliases are as follows:
value. Value of the simple alias.
*endPointURI. The default URI or components of the URI such as service name.
*connectionTimeout. Time interval (in seconds) after which a connection attempt times out.
*readTimeout. Time interval (in seconds) after which a socket read attempt times out.
*suspendDurationOnFailure. Time to suspend the request upon a failure.
*optimizationTechnique. Type of optimization technique used for SOAP messages.
*passSecurityHeaders. Boolean value whether to pass security headers or not.
*keystoreAlias. Keystore alias name that is used for the signing or encryption.
*keyAlias. Key alias in the particular keyStore .
*truststoreAlias. Truststore alias name to validate the server certificate.
*authType. The type of authentication you want to use while communicating with the native API.
The authentication types supported are: HTTP_BASIC, NTLM, OAUTH2, KERBEROS, JWT, ALIAS, and REMOVE_INCOMING_HTTP_HEADERS.
*authMode. Authentication mode to use while communicating with the native API.
*httpAuthCredentials. Credentials to use for HTTP authentication. The authentication credentials supported are:
*userName. Specify a username to access the native API.
*password. Specify a password to access the native API.
*domain. Specify a domain to access the native API.
*kerberosCredentials. Credentials to use for Kerberos authentication. The authentication credentials supported are:
*clientPrincipal. A unique identity to which Kerberos can assign tickets.
*clientPassword. Password for the client principal.
*servicePrincipal. A unique identifier of a service instance.
*servicePrincipalNameForm. The format in which you want to specify the principal name of the service that is registered with the principal database. servicePrincipalNameForm value can be hostbased or username.
*requestDelegateToken. Boolean value whether the token needs to be delegated or not.
*oauth2Token. OAuth2 token to use for authentication.
*fileName. Name of the file.
*content. Content of the file.
*endpointURI. Endpoint to use to communicate with the service registry.
*heartBeatInterval. API Gateway pings the service registry on the configured interval for every API.
*username. Username to use in the basic authentication when communicating with the service registry.
*password. Password to use in the basic authentication when communicating with the service registry.
*keystoreAlias. A keystore is a repository of private key. This keystore contains the private key to use for the SSL communication with the service registry.
*keyAlias. The key alias is the private key to use for signing when using SSL communication with the service registry.
*trustStoreAlias. A truststore is a repository of public keys. This truststore contains the public key of the service registry to use for the SSL communication with the service registry.
*customHeaders. Custom headers to send while communicating with the service registry.
*discoveryInfo. Contains information like resource path and HTTP method to use while discovering a service in service registry.
*registrationInfo. Contains information like resource path and HTTP method to use while registering a service in service registry.
*deRegistrationInfo. Contains information like resource path and HTTP method to use while de-registering a service from service registry.
*serviceRegistryType. Contains the information about the type of service registry.
*connectionTimeout. The time interval (in seconds) after which a connection attempt times out while communicating with service registry.
*readTimeout. The time interval (in seconds) after which a socket read attempt times out while communicating with service registry.
*region. The configured AWS instance region detail.
*accessKey. The access key ID for the AWS instance. This is used to sign the requests.
*secretKey. The secret access key for the AWS instance. This is used to sign the requests.
*issuerCommunicationMode. Mode of communication to the STS.
*issuerPolicy. The IBM webMethods Integration Server service name.
*issuerAuthScheme. The authentication type to use for communicating to STS.
*issuerAuthMode. Mode of communication to STS.
*wssCredentials. Credentials for the WSS Username token.
*kerberosCredentials. Credentials for the Kerberos token.
*endpoint. The endpoint URI of the STS.
*samlVersion. SAML version used for authentication.
*wsTrustVersion. WS-Trust version that API Gateway must use to send the RST to the SAML issuer.
*appliesTo. Specify the scope for which this security token is required.
*extendedParameters. Extensions to the wst:RequestSecurityToken element for requesting specific types of keys, algorithms, or key and algorithms, as specified by a given policy in the return tokens.
*signAndEncryptConfig. Private and public keys to use signature and encryption.
*serviceName. The IBM webMethods Integration Server service name.
*runAsUser. The user name you want API Gateway to use to invoke the IS service.
*complyToISSpec. Set to true, if you want the input and the output parameters to comply to the IS Spec specified.
*providerName. Name of the provider.
*implNames. Map of specification names to the implementation names of the service provider.
*extendedValuesV2. List of headers that needs to be sent along with the client management request.
*generateCredentials. Specifies whether API Gateway should generate clientId and client secret.
*supportedApplicationTypes. List of application_type values supported by the authorization server provider.
*authType. Type of authentication.
*authMode. Mode of authentication
*wssCredentials. Credentials required for the WSS Username token.
*kerberosCredentials. Credentials for the Kerberos token.
*samlIssuerConfig. SAML issuer configuration name.
*signAndEncryptConfig. Private and public keys to use for signature and encryption.
*url. URL of the Integration Server.
*username. User credentials required to access the Integration Server instance.
*password. Password required to access the Integration Server instance.
*keystoreAlias. The text identifier for the Integration Server keystore file. The keystore contains the private keys and certificates (including the associated public keys) of Integration Server.
*keyAlias. The alias for a specific key in the specified keystore.
*packageName. Default package name where the alias is published.
*folderName. Default folder name where the alias is published.
*description. Description of the auth server.
*tokenGeneratorConfig. Specifies the token information that would be added as a bearer token in the HTTP request for client authentication.
*supportedGrantTypes. Specifies the list of grant types that are supported by API Gateway. The grant types supported are authorization_code, client_credentials, and implicit.
*localIntrospectionConfig. Specifies the introspection endpoint to check that access tokens used in client requests are currently active and are valid to invoke the protected resources.
*sslConfig. Specifies the SSL configuration information.
Consolidating Externalized Configuration Files
You can consolidate the configurations of different inter-components and cluster in a single configuration file.
A sample consolidated configuration file is as follows:

tenantId: "apigateway"
hosts: "localhost:9240"
autostart: "true"
username: ""
password: "@secure.elasticsearch.http.password"
keepAlive: "true"
keepAliveMaxConnections: 10
keepAliveMaxConnectionsPerRoute: 100
connectionTimeout: 1000
socketTimeout: 10000
maxRetryTimeout: 100000
enabled: "false"
truststoreFilepath: "C:/softwares/elasticsearch-version/config/truststore-new.ks"
keystoreAlias: "root-ca"
truststorePassword: "@secure.elasticsearch.http.truststore.password"
enforceHostnameVerification: "false"
enable: "false"
timeInterval: 1000
enabled: "false"
alias: "esoutboundproxyalias"
clientHttpResponseSize: 1001231
dashboardInstance: "http://localhost:9405"
autostart: "true"
sslCA: "C:/softwares/elasticsearch-version/config/SAG-B1HPWT2.pem"
tenantId: default
hosts: "localhost:9241"
username: analyticsdatastore
password: changeme
keepAlive: true
keepAliveMaxConnections: 60
keepAliveMaxConnectionsPerRoute: 20
connectionTimeout: 2000
socketTimeout: 40000
maxRetryTimeout: 200000
enabled: false
keystoreFilepath: C:/softwares/analyticsdatastore/config/demouser-keystore.jks
truststoreFilepath: C:/softwares/analyticsdatastore/config/truststore.jks
keystoreAlias: cn=demouser
keystorePassword: 6572b9b06156a0ff778c
truststorePassword: 2c0820e69e7dd5356576
enforceHostnameVerification: false
enable: false
timeInterval: 70000
enabled: false
alias: somealias
clientHttpResponseSize: 200
aware: true
name: APIGatewayCluster
sessTimeout: 60
actionOnStartupError: standalone
hostnames: daeirnd33974,daeirnd33562,daeirnd33974
discoveryPort: 10100
communicationPort: 10400
firstName: "stark"
lastName: "Koop"
password: "oops"
emailAddresses: [ tstk@sag.com, tstk@sag.co.uk ]
active: true
- "group1"
- "group2"
firstName: "Fred"
lastName: "Barker"
password: "oops"
emailAddresses: [ fred@sag.com ]
active: true
groups: [group1,group2]
firstName: "Bob"
lastName: "Tate"
password: "oops"
emailAddresses: [ bob@sag.com ]
active: true
expiry: "60"
oldPassword: "old1"
newPassword: "new1"
maxHttpHeaderSize: "8192"
connectionTimeout: "20001"
server: "SoftwareAG-Runtime"
maxSpareThreads: "78"
disableUploadTimeout: "true"
minSpareThreads: "23"
redirectPort: "19073"
acceptCount: "102"
port: "11072"
enableLookups: "false"
enabled: "true"
alias: "defaultHttp"
maxHttpHeaderSize: "8192"
server: "SoftwareAG-Runtime"
maxSpareThreads: "72"
disableUploadTimeout: "true"
minSpareThreads: "22"
acceptCount: "104"
port: "11075"
enableLookups: "false"
enabled: "true"
alias: "defaultHttps"
sslProtocol: "tls"
sslEnabled: "true"
keystoreType: "xxy"
keystoreFile: "Test2"
keystorePass: "geheim"
scheme: "xScheme"
secure: "true"
type: "simple"
value: "vmspar02w"
type: "endpoint"
endPointURI: "http://vmspar02w:9998"
connectionTimeout: 30
readTimeout: 30
suspendDurationOnFailure: 0
optimizationTechnique: "None"
passSecurityHeaders: false
keystoreAlias: "ksAlias"
type: "httpTransportSecurityAlias"
authType: "HTTP_BASIC"
userName: "Bob"
password: "R3Vlc3NJdA=="
domain: "EUR"
type: "isConfigurationAlias"
url: "http://localhost:5555"
username: "Administrator"
password: "bXlwYXNz"
keystoreAlias: "DEFAULT_IS_KEYSTORE"
keyAlias: "ssos"
packageName: "WmAPIGateway"
folderName: "test2"
importSwaggerBasedOnTags: "false"
enableMTOM: "true"
enforceWSICompliance: "true"
validateSchemaWithXerces: "true"
contentModelComplianceForWSDL: "Lax"
type: "authServerAlias"
description: "Test Auth server"
expiry: "0"
accessTokenExpInterval: "3600"
authCodeExpInterval: "600"
algorithm: "null"
supportedGrantTypes: ["authorization_code","client_credentials","implicit"]
authServerType: "EXTERNAL"
issuer: "testIssuer"
certificateAlias: "sso"
jwksuri: "http://mytest.com"
description: "Issuer description"
introspectionEndpoint: "http://myendpoint"
clientId: "1234"
clientSecret: "c2VjcmV0"
user: "Administrator"
authorizeURL: "http://softwareag.com/authorize"
accessTokenURL: "http://softwareag.com/accessToken"
refreshTokenURL: "http://softwareag.com/authorize/refresh"
keyAlias: "ssos"
Similarly, you can consolidate separate property files into a single file as shown in the following sample.

Master configuration YAML file and its usage
The master configuration file, config-sources.yml, contains the paths, metadata, and properties for the other configuration files. The master configuration file and the other configuration files should be present in the folder InstallDir\IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\packages\WmAPIGateway\resources\configuration. The master configuration file can contain references to both YAML and Properties file types.
The master configuration file is read by API Gateway on startup. Using this file API Gateway reads the different configurations provided in the folder. If any entry has an invalid file name or path it is ignored but the error is logged into the API Gateway logs.
A sample master configuration file is as follows:
######################## Master configuration ############################

# This is the master configuration file which contains the configuration
# source definitions.

#======================= Sources configuration ==========================


#--------------------- YAML file configuration source --------------------

- type: YAML
allowEdit: true
location: allExternal-settings.yml

#------------------- Properties file configuration source ----------------

# allowEdit: true
# properties:
# location: system-settings.properties

#================================== END =================================
The table lists and explains the properties of a configuration file source entry.
Indicates the type of the configuration source. The applicable types are YAML and PROPERTIES.
*YAML. A YAML configuration file.
*PROPERTIES. A properties configuration file.
Indicates whether this file can be updated from API Gateway and is useful for hiding passwords.
Valid values are true and false.
*If the value is set to true, it hides the clear text passwords.
*If the value is set to false, it displays the clear text passwords.
Properties that enable API Gateway to connect to the defined configuration source. For the 10.5 release only the location property is supported.
An absolute or relative path to a component-specific configuration file. In case of relative path, the file would be located relative to the system-defined location InstallDir\IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\packages\WmAPIGateway\resources\configuration..
The master configuration filename config-sources.yml is system-defined. A file with a different name is not treated as the master configuration file.
Hiding Clear Text Passwords in Configuration Files
To prevent unauthorized users from reading the credentials in the configuration files and other potential threats, the Administrator can enable hiding of such secrets by setting the allowEdit flag to true in the master configuration file. When allowEdit is set to true the secret values in the configuration files are stored in the Password manager and the plain text values in the files are replaced with the Password manager keys on API Gateway startup. After this, a user can see only the password keys in the files. On startup, API Gateway would retrieve the passwords for those settings from the Password manager using those keys and hence it is advised not to alter any of the password manager key values in the file. The passwords can be modified at any time and the same are replaced with the Password manager keys in the next API Gateway startup.
This table provides the list of the settings and their respective Password manager keys.
Password manager key replacement

username: elastic

keystorePassword: 6572b9b06156a0ff778c

truststorePassword: 6572b9b06156a0ff778c
Properties File Support for Externalized Configurations
In addition to YAML files, configurations can be saved in Properties files as well. The property names are the same as those in the YAML configuration files. The property names in Properties files are delimited by a "." for forming the property name. For example. the tenantId property under apigw > elasticsearch in YAML, can be specified as apigw.elasticsearch.tenantId in the properties file.
A sample Properties file is as follows:
Environment Variables Support for Externalized configurations
All the supported externalized configurations can be defined through environment variables. The environment variable names are the same as the property names. Instead of the . delimiter the _ delimiter is used.
The main purpose of the environment variables is to inject a configuration into an API Gateway container during startup.
A sample externalized configuration with environment variable is as follows:

Configuring Multiple Configuration Files and Its Effects
The master configuration file can have many entries (0 to N) for defining multiple configuration files as configuration sources. When such a file is used to start API Gateway, the configuration values from all the files would be merged into a single effective configuration. If the same configuration value is present in two files, then the value in the file which has a higher preference is given priority. The order of preference is in the reverse order in which they are defined in the master configuration file, that is, the configuration values that are defined in the last configuration file entry would have the highest preference. A sample use case is explained below.
Assume file1.yml has the following configurations.
tenantId: default
And, file2.properties has the following configurations.
And, file3.yml has the following configurations.
username: admin
password: admin123
dashboardInstance: http://localhost:5601
Then the combined configuration that becomes effective is as follows.
Effective config.yml configuration:
tenantId: apigateway
username: admin
password: admin123
dashboardInstance: http://localhost:5601
If you have defined cluster configuration in the externalized configuration file, on startup the API Gateway server updates the internal settings with the values from the externalized configuration files but the node in the cluster will not be updated. API Gateway server restart is required for the cluster settings to become effective and to join the cluster.