API Gateway 11.1 | Using API Gateway | Define and Manage APIs | Configuring the Number of APIs listed on a Page
Configuring the Number of APIs listed on a Page
The default number of APIs that are listed in the Manage APIs and Manage applications page can be configured through the properties file located at SAGInstallDir\profiles\IS_default\apigateway\config\uiconfiguration.properties.
Edit the configuration file as required. You can configure the number of results to load for pagination. The default value is 20. The provided value should be a number greater than 0.
You have to restart Integration Server for the changes to take effect.
You can configure the number of APIs that get listed per page in the Manage APIs or the Manage applications page. In each of these pages, you can use the pagination bar at the bottom of the page to navigate from one page to another, the first page, or the last page when there are more than 20 APIs in the list. To change the number of APIs listed in a page, select the required number in the Show # results per page field in the pagination bar at the bottom of the page. The API list now displays only those many APIs in one page as specified. For example, if you select Show 10 results per page, only 10 APIs are listed in one page.
This configuration that you change through the drop down is maintained as long as you are logged in to API Gateway. Once you log out, the value is reset to the default configured value in the uiconfiguration.properties file.
The value is set in the drop down is applicable for both APIs and applications listing. For example, if you change the show results to 10 in the Manage APIs drop down, then the number is retained for Manage applications page as well.