API Gateway 11.1 | Administering API Gateway | Operating API Gateway | Monitoring API Gateway | Node-level Monitoring | Monitoring API Gateway | Monitoring API Gateway through Dashboards
Monitoring API Gateway through Dashboards
The analytics dashboard in API Gateway UI displays a variety of charts to provide an overview of API Gateway performance and its API usage. The data for these dashboards come from the API Gateway destination store. The dashboard has various filters that you can apply depending on what you would want to monitor. API Gateway also provides capability to create a custom dashboard.
*API Gateway dashboard. Displays API Gateway-wide analytics such as Summary of APIs, API usage, API trends, the top performing API and the non-performing API analytics, audit logs, applications and package related event information. Click Menu options > Analytics to access API Gateway-wide analytics.
*Custom dashboards. Displays API Gateway-wide analytics or API specific analytics as configured. Click Menu options > Analytics to access API Gateway-wide analytics. A custom dashboard is a collection of visualizations. You can add the visualizations as per your requirement and compile the visualizations as a custom dashboard.
The dashboard view depends on the events and metrics generated in API Gateway and their types. An event is a kind of notification or alert generated by the API Gateway Metrics and Event Notification module. Various types of event are generated based on the behavior of the transactions in the system. Events generated by API Gateway are real time events made persistent in the store and sent to configured destinations.
These are the types of events generated in API Gateway:
*Transactional event : Provides a summary of each runtime transaction in the system. It is generated when a Log Invocation policy is included for the API. For example, if an API has the policy attached to it, then for every invoke the system generates a transaction event. API Gateway provides a system global policy, Transaction logging, which are pre-configured in the product. This policy is, by default, deactivated. The transaction logging policy has standard filters and a log invocation policy that logs request or response payloads to a specified destination.
*Error event: Provides details of an error that occurred during an API invoke. This event is generated whenever there is an error in the system during a runtime service invocation. This is configured as part of destination configuration.
*Monitoring event: Provides a summary of event details along with the breach information when there is a threshold breach in any of the configured parameters. Monitoring could be done based on various parameters such as Total Request Count, Total Success Count, Response Time, and Availability. Monitoring can be done at the consumer application level too so that each consumer can be tracked individually. These events are generated when a Monitor Performance and Monitor SLA Policy is included for the API. In addition, the Traffic Optimization policy generates these events for every API invocation only when there is a breach in the parameters configured in the policy or once per alert interval based on the alert frequency configured in the policy.
*Policy violation event: Provides a summary of the policy violations that occurred in the system. When a policy attached to an API is violated, the system generates the policy violation event for alerting the provider. The Identity and Access, Authorization, and Schema Validation policies generate these events. This is configured as part of destination configuration. In addition, the Traffic Optimization policy generates these events for every API invocation only when there is a breach in the parameters configured in the policy.
*Lifecycle event: Provides a summary of the life cycle of the API Gateway instance. Whenever the instance is started or stopped, a life cycle notification is generated. This is configured as part of destination configuration.
*Threat protection event: Provides a summary of the threat protection filter and rule violations. When a filter or rule is violated, the system generates the threat protection violation event. For more information see Configuring Alert Settings
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