API Gateway 11.1 | Using API Gateway | Publish APIs | Publishing APIs to Service Registries | Unpublishing APIs from a Service Registry
Unpublishing APIs from a Service Registry
Unpublishing a Single API from Service Registries
Unpublishing Multiple APIs from Service Registries
You can manually unpublish APIs that you had previously published on service registries.
You must consider the following points before unpublishing an API from a service registry:
*You must have the Publish API to service registry functional privilege to unpublish APIs from a service registry.
*There is no option to unpublish individual endpoints. When you manually unpublish an API, all the endpoints in that API are unpublished from the selected service registries.
*As both—API publishing to service registries and API unpublishing to service registries—are specific to the current API Gateway instance, APIs are unpublished only for the API Gateway instance from where you unpublish. Therefore, if the same API was published from other instances of API Gateway, it continues to be available on the service registries from those API Gateway instances.
APIs may also get unpublished automatically from service registries, as described below.
Automatic Unpublishing of APIs
API Gateway automatically, but temporarily unpublishes an API in the following situations:
*When you deactivate an API after publishing it to a service registry.
When you reactivate the API, the temporarily unpublished endpoints are published again to the original service registries.
*When you disable or delete an API Gateway port that has endpoints that have been published to a service registry.
When you enable or add back the port again, the temporarily unpublished endpoints are published again to the original service registries.