API Gateway 11.1 | Using API Gateway | Publish APIs | Publishing APIs to Integration Server
Publishing APIs to Integration Server
Publishing a Single API to Integration Server
Publishing Multiple APIs to Integration Server
Unpublishing APIs from Integration Server
Publishing an API to an Integration Server enables applications to dynamically locate an API Gateway instance that can process that API.
When publishing an API to an Integration Server instance, keep the following points in mind:
*Before you publish an API to an Integration Server destination, you must add the Integration Server instance to the API Gateway instance from where you want to publish.
*You must have the Manage API functional privilege to publish APIs to Integration Server.
*You can publish only active APIs. You cannot publish APIs that are in the inactive state.
*An API that is published to a Integration Server:
*Is automatically de-registered from Integration Server if the API is deactivated in API Gateway. When the API is activated again, it is automatically registered on the same Integration Server.
*Is automatically de-registered from Integration Server if the API Gateway instance from where it was registered goes down. When the API Gateway instance comes up again, the API is registered on the same Integration Server.
*In a cluster of API Gateway nodes, only the API Gateway instance from where you publish an API is added to the Integration Server. You have to separately publish the API from each API Gateway instance that the Integration Server can use for an API.
Similarly, you have to separately unpublish the API from each API Gateway instance from where you want to unpublish the API.
*If a load balancer has been configured for the API Gateway cluster, APIs from all instances are registered using the load balancer URL.