API Gateway 11.1 | Using API Gateway | Define and Manage APIs | API Grouping
API Grouping
You can group APIs based on various categories. Categories help consumers locate APIs easily. For example, if you are offering APIs to help your consumers manage their sales and ordering better, classifying the APIs under Sales and Ordering helps them locate these APIs easily.
The default groups available under which you can group the APIs are Finance Banking and Insurance, Sales and Ordering, Search, and Transportation and Warehousing. If you want to include more groups you can update the property apiGroupingPossibleValues under Administration > Extended settings that enables API grouping. You can modify the existing list of groups by deleting or adding new group names as comma separated values in this field. Ensure that the group name does not contain a comma as part of the name.
API grouping can be applied in one of these ways:
*While creating an API from scratch
*While editing an API
You can select one or more groups in the API grouping field. When an API is published to Developer Portal, the published APIs in Developer Portal are grouped as per the group assigned.