IBM webMethods Adapter for Salesforce Documentation
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IBM webMethods Adapter for Salesforce Installation and User’s Documentation
Overview of webMethods Adapter for Salesforce
About the Adapter
Architecture and Components
Adapter Package Management
Adapter Connections
Types of Adapter Connections
Connection Pools
Run-Time Behavior of Connection Pools
Built-In Services for Connections
Changing the Connection Associated with an Adapter Service at Design Time
Changing the Connection Associated with an Adapter Service at Run Time
Adapter Services
Adapter Service Templates
Adapter Polling Notifications
Choice of Publish Destinations
Adapter Polling Notification Templates
Polling Notification Types
Using Upsert and Delete Polling Notifications
Upsert and Delete Polling Notifications Processing
Receiving Outbound Messages from
Adapter Polling and Listener Notifications vs. the Outbound Message Notification from
Adapter Listeners and Listener Notifications
Listener Notifications
Asynchronous Listener Notifications
Synchronous Listener Notifications
Listener Notification Templates
Run-Time Processing of Listeners and Listener Notifications
Run-Time Processing of Listeners and Asynchronous Listener Notifications
Run-Time Processing of Listeners and Synchronous Listener Notifications
Using Version Control Systems to Manage Adapter Elements
Infrastructure Data Collector Support
Viewing the Adapter's Update Level
Controlling Pagination
Installing, Upgrading, and Uninstalling webMethods Adapter for Salesforce
Installing IBM webMethods Adapter 8.2 for Salesforce
Upgrading to IBM webMethods Adapter 8.2 for Salesforce
Migrating Adapter Services Created with IBM webMethods Adapter 7.1 SP1 for Salesforce
Before Migrating Adapter Services
Migrating earlier versions of Adapter Services to the latest
Uninstalling the adapter
Adapter Package Management
Managing the Adapter Package
Package Dependency Requirements and Guidelines
Enabling and Disabling Packages
Enabling a Package
Disabling a Package
Loading, Reloading, and Unloading Packages
Reloading Packages Manually
Unloading Packages
Setting Package Dependencies
Controlling Group Access
Using the Adapter in a Clustered Environment
What is Integration Server Administrator Clustering?
Configuring the Adapter in a Clustered Environment
Replicating Packages to Integration Server Administrators
Clustering Considerations and Requirements
Requirements for Each Integration Server in a Cluster
Considerations When Installing Adapter for Salesforce Packages
Considerations When Configuring Connections with Connection Pooling Enabled
Polling Notification Support in Integration Server Clusters
Configuring Polling Notifications When the Adapter Run Time Uses Integration Server Scheduler
Before Configuring Polling Notifications to Execute via Scheduled Tasks
Configuring Polling Notifications to Execute via Scheduled Tasks
Configuring Polling Notifications in Standby or Distributed Mode
Standby Mode and Distributed Mode
Clock Synchronization
Configuring Adapter Notification Schedules in a Clustered Environment
Listener Notification Support in Integration Server Clusters
Adapter Connections
Before Configuring or Managing Adapter Connections
Configuring Adapter Connections
Configuring a Salesforce Connection
Configuring a Salesforce OAuth Connection
Dynamically Changing a Service's Connection at Run Time
Viewing Adapter Connection Parameters
Viewing Parameters Using Integration Server Administrator
Viewing Parameters Using Designer
Editing Adapter Connections
Copying Adapter Connections
Deleting Adapter Connections
Enabling Adapter Connections
Disabling Adapter Connections
Adapter Services
Before Configuring or Managing Adapter Services
Configuring Adapter Services
Assigning External IDs to sObject Record Fields
Configuring Batch Operation Adapter Services
Configuring Create Operation Adapter Services
Configuring Custom Query Operation Adapter Services
Configuring a Custom SOQL Statement
Configuring a Custom Query Operation Adapter Service
Configuring Delete Operation Adapter Services
Configuring Monitor Batch Operations Adapter Services
Configuring Query Operation Adapter Services
Configuring Retrieve Operation Adapter Services
Configuring Update Operation Adapter Services
Configuring Upsert Operation Adapter Services
Configuring Utility Operation Adapter Services
Testing Adapter Services
Viewing Adapter Services
Editing Adapter Services
Deleting Services
Validating Adapter Service Values
Enabling Automatic Validation for a Single Adapter Service
Enabling Automatic Validation for All Adapter Services
Changing the Credentials Associated with an Adapter Service at Run Time
Reloading Adapter Values
Reloading Values for a Single Adapter Service
Reloading Values for All Adapter Services
Adapter Polling Notifications
Before Configuring Adapter Polling Notifications
Configuring Adapter Polling Notifications
Creating an Upsert Polling Notification
Creating a Delete Polling Notification
Managing Polling Notifications
Exporting Configured Adapter Polling Notifications
Viewing Polling Notifications
Editing Polling Notifications
Deleting Polling Notifications
Validating Polling Notification Values
Validating Values for a Single Adapter Service
Validating Values for All Polling Notifications
Reloading Adapter Values
Reloading Values for a Single Adapter Polling Notification
Reloading Values for All Adapter Notifications
Adapter Listeners and Listener
Before Configuring New Listeners
Configuring an Adapter Listener
Enabling Listeners
Testing Listeners
Viewing Listener Parameters
Viewing Listener Parameters Using Integration Server Administrator
Viewing Listener Parameters Using Designer
Viewing the Notification Order of a Listener
Editing Listeners
Editing the Notification Order of a Listener
Copying Listeners
Deleting Listeners
Suspending Listeners
Disabling Listeners
Listener Notifications
Process Overview
Before Configuring Listener Notifications
Configuring Listener Notifications
Configuring an Asynchronous Listener Notification
Configuring a Synchronous Listener Notification
Enabling Listener Notifications
Testing Listener Notifications
Testing Publishable Document Types
Viewing Listener Notifications
Editing Listener Notifications
Editing Publishable Document Types
Deleting Listener Notifications
Disabling Listener Notifications Outbound Messaging
Setting Up to Receive the Outbound Messages from
Downloading the WSDL for the Outbound Message
Creating a Web Service Descriptor in Integration Server for Receiving the Outbound Message
Setting Up an Enterprise Gateway Server
Updating the Endpoint URL of the Outbound Message
Predefined Health Indicator
Predefined Health Indicator
Administrator APIs
Administrator APIs
Configuration Variables Templates for Adapter Assets in Microservices Runtime
Configuration Variables Templates for Adapter Assets in Microservices Runtime
Parallel Asset Initialization
Parallel Asset Initialization
Logging and Exception Handling
Adapter Logging Levels
Configuring Adapter Logging Levels
Adapter for Salesforce Message Logging
Adapter for Salesforce Exception Handling
Adapter Error Codes
Adapter Configuration Parameters Appendix
IBM webMethods Adapter for Salesforce Documentation