webMethods PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Adapter
Release Notes
webMethods PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Adapter 8.95
webMethods is pleased to introduce the webMethods PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Adapter 8.95. This version of the adapter provides the same set of capabilities that are provided in Oracle’s PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne 8.95 One-Off Adapter for XPI 8.94. For detailed information about the capabilities of this adapter, please see the product documentation installed with the adapter or see the Advantage Web site.
webMethods PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Adapter Version 6.2
webMethods is pleased to introduce the webMethods PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Adapter 6.2 for integrating your PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne systems with the webMethods Integration Server.
The webMethods PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Adapter enables the exchange of information between PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne and other heterogeneous systems. This adapter provides a flexible, easy-to-use mechanism for XPI-enabled applications to interface with PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne.
Supported PeopleSoft Applications
This release provides support for the following PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne systems:
- PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne ERP 8.0 and OneWorld Xe
- PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne ERP 8.9
- PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne ERP 8.10
- PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne ERP 8.11
For a complete listing of the versions of EnterpriseOne and of the webMethods Integration Server with which the adapter works, see the PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne XPI 8.94 Installation and Configuration for EnterpriseOne Adapter guide.
Multiple Adapter Configurations in a Single Integration Server Instance
The adapter allows you to connect to multiple EnterpriseOne and/or ERP8 systems concurrently. Further, configuration does not require editing the jdeinterop.ini file.
EnterpriseOne Features
- Uses the Dynamic Connector, which eliminates the need to run the GenJava utility before excuting any BSFN.
- Provides BSFN execution for Business Functions:
- Truncates String values to a predefined length in the data dictionary.
- Provides dynamic data conversion. Almost all data types are accepted for any parameter and will be converted automatically. Decimal length is respected when converting to JDEMathNumeric.
- Returns BusinessFunction errors as an exception to FLOW.
- Supports Real-Time, Z-Table, Workflow, and XAPI events:
- Supports asynchronous notifications.
- Maintains persisted event delivery.
- Uses XAPI inbound execution.
- Supports local transactions that span both BSFN and JDBj database operations.
- Supports the JDBj Database:
- JDBj is similar to JDBC. The greatest advantage to JDBj is that it performs all necessary data conversions (decimal shifting, date conversion, currency conversion, etc.) before returning data and before data is entered into the database.
- Provides JDBj templates for use with adapter services:
Adapter Service Template |
Description |
Select |
- Can be used on any EnterpriseOne table or Business View.
- Supports select distinct operation.
- Enables you to specify the maximum number of records to retrieve.
- Provides Sorting capability (ascending or descending).
- Supports the use of complex Where clauses.
- Dynamically formats strings to dates.
- Returns errors as an Exception to FLOW.
Update |
- Can be used for Z-tables and EDI tables.
- Supports the use of complex Where clauses.
- Dynamically formats strings to dates.
- Returns errors as an Exception to FLOW.
Insert |
- Can be used for Z-tables and EDI tables.
- Dynamically formats strings to dates.
- Returns errors as an Exception to FLOW.
Insert Batch |
- Can be used for Z-tables and EDI tables.
- Dynamically formats strings to dates.
- Returns errors as an Exception to FLOW.
Delete |
- Can be used for Z-tables and EDI tables.
- Dynamically formats strings to dates.
- Returns errors as an Exception to FLOW.
ERP8 Features
- Uses the Java Connector, which requires that the GenJava utility be run before executing any BSFN.
- Provides BSFN execution for Business Functions.
- Provides dynamic data conversion. Almost all data types are accepted for any parameter and will be converted automatically. Decimal length is respected when converting to JDEMathNumeric.
- Returns BusinessFunction errors as an exception to FLOW.
- Supports real-Time, Z-Table, Workflow, and XAPI events.
- Maintains persisted event delivery.
- Uses XAPI inbound execution.
- Supports XML List functionality.
- Provides the same functionality as the "classic" OneWorld adapter.
However, the three templates (Create List, Execute List, Delete List) have been consolidated into a single template.
This eliminates the need to define the same query multiple times to perform paging of returned data.
- XML List functionality is considered replaced on EnterpriseOne with the JDBj Select functionality.
- Supports local transactions for BSFNs only.
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