webMethods Enterprise Adapter: PeopleSoft PIA Edition 4.6    
                     Upgrade Utility Plug-in                     

                           March 2004

This file provides important information you should read before
using the webMethods Enterprise Adapter: PeopleSoft PIA Edition
4.6 Upgrade Utility Plug-in.

Note: The webMethods Integration Platform Installation Guide
and the webMethods Integration Platform Upgrade Guide contain
important information you must read before you install the
webMethods Enterprise Adapter: PeopleSoft PIA Edition 4.6
Upgrade Utility Plug-in.


1.0  Critical Information
2.0  Known Issues
3.0  Usage Notes
4.0  Enhancements and Fixes
5.0  Deprecated Items
6.0  Globalization
7.0  Documentation
8.0  Copyright Information
9.0  Contacting webMethods
10.0 Viewing the readme for the Previous Version

1.0  Critical Information


2.0 Known Issues
See the webMethods PeopleSoft Adapter Installation Guide 
Version 6.0 for information about the limitations and
considerations you should plan for when upgrading your existing
configured operations.

3.0 Usage Notes


4.0 Enhancements and Fixes


5.0 Deprecated Items


6.0 Globalization

The webMethods Enterprise Adapter: PeopleSoft PIA Edition
4.6 Upgrade Utility Plug-in conforms to the international
standards of webMethods and includes support for operation
in any country, locale, or language. Support for character
encodings and proper formatting, display, and validation of
data (such as number and date formats) has been provided
throughout the Upgrade Utility Plug-in. The plug-in complies
with the requirements of Unicode Standard 3.0 and later,
and has been tested in Far East Asian operating environments,
using non-ASCII data and with localized versions of PeopleSoft.

If you expect to display non-English data in your webMethods
tools, make sure an appropriate font is installed in your
operating environment. If you see hollow boxes or black squares
where you expect to see non-English data, modify your
JRE font.properties file to reference the font. For information
on modifying your font.properties file, see Oracle's Java
website. For information on the JRE provided with this release,
go to:


Or refer to the document located at:


7.0 Documentation

For information about the webMethods Integration Platform,
see these documents on the webMethods Bookshelf:

- webMethods Integration Platform Release Notes
- webMethods Integration Platform General Support Statement

For the webMethods PeopleSoft Adapter 6.0 technical
documentation, go to the
IntegrationServer\packages\WmPeopleSoftAdapter\doc directory
or the webMethods PeopleSoft Adapter 6.0 documentation on the
webMethods Bookshelf.

The following manuals are provided as PDF files:
- webMethods PeopleSoft Adapter Installation Guide
- webMethods PeopleSoft Adapter User's Guide

To view the documentation, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0
or later. Online help for the webMethods PeopleSoft Adapter is
available in the Integration Server Administrator by clicking the
Help button at the top right corner of each screen. Online help
is also available for the adapter in the webMethods Developer
through the Help menu and by clicking the Help button from the
Adapter Service Editor. Online help is displayed in your default
web browser. If you are using Netscape, you need to use version
6.x to ensure that the help documents are displayed properly.

8.0 Copyright Information

webMethods Administrator, webMethods Broker, webMethods
Dashboard, webMethods Developer, webMethods Glue, webMethods
Fabric, webMethods Installer, webMethods Integration Server,
webMethods Mainframe, webMethods Manager, webMethods Mobile,
webMethods Modeler, webMethods Monitor, webMethods Optimize,
webMethods Portal, webMethods Trading Networks, webMethods
Workflow, and the webMethods logo are trademarks of webMethods,
Inc. "webMethods" is a registered trademark of webMethods, Inc.

All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
Copyright (c) 2004 by webMethods, Inc. All rights reserved,
including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any

9.0 Contacting webMethods

Authorized technical support contacts can reach webMethods
Technical Services for support via:

  webMethods Advantage Web site
  E-mail: support@webMethods.com
  US Phone: 1-888-222-8215
  Europe/EMEA Phone: +800-963-84-637 or +31-207783640
  Asia/Pacific Phone: +612-8913-1198 or +656-389-3222

Self-service support is also available in the webMethods
Advantage Knowledge Base and in the Advantage Customer Forums.

10.0 Viewing the readme for the Previous Version
