Common Directory Services Library classes
ClassDescriptionGeneral directory exception identifies failure to perform directory operationClass that describes directory service search queryDescribes refine field query for directory serviceStatic initialization factory for share directory system componentIdentifies directory group objectBase interface for all directory objectsInterface that describes directory cookie which is used in the
IDirectorySession.searchDirectory(String, int, DirectorySearchQuery, IDirectoryPagingCookie)
API to page through search resultsBase interface for all directory principal object: users, groups and rolesWell known attribute names for the principal attribute providersInterface that describes principal attribute providerInterface that defines directory principal listenerInterface for directory role objectImplement this interface to add custom role resolution logic to the directory systemInterface that describes directory serviceMain interface to interact with shared directory management componentDirectory System interface is used to initialize and shutdown shared directory component.Identifies directory user objectUsed to specify how the communication to the MWS runtime should happen