Interface IWorkdayCalendar

All Superinterfaces:
ICalendar, Serializable

public interface IWorkdayCalendar extends ICalendar
Workday calendar which is respresented as list of Workday and list of Event. List of Events is used to contain Holiday and PeriodEvent, the latter used to represent user defined event such as Time Off or Busy.

These lists are different for that purpose that workday events have different meaning than other type of events. Workdays represent working or business time, while other events represents non-working time

To populate calendar object with events simply add/remove objects from respective list

  • Method Details

    • getWorkdays

      List<Workday> getWorkdays()
      Returns writable list of workdays for this calendar
    • getEvents

      List<Event> getEvents()
      Returns writable list of general events, such as Holiday and PeriodEvent