Interface ICalendarSystem

public interface ICalendarSystem
Main access point to shared business calendaring component. Instance of ICalendarSystem could be obtained from CalendarSystemFactory factory class. Before calling about ICalendarSystem APIs you need to initialize MWSLibrary MWS library component with connection to MWS database
  • Method Details

    • getTransport

      Transport getTransport()
      Returns the transport that this implemenation uses to communicate to MWS
      the transport
    • getCalendarManager

      ICalendarManager getCalendarManager() throws CalendarException
      Returns instance of ICalendarManager used to manage persisted calendar instances.
    • getCalendarManager

      ICalendarManager getCalendarManager(String userID) throws CalendarException
      Returns instance of ICalendarManager used to manage persisted calendar instances. Returned calendar manager will be active on behalf of specified user thus honoring all user assigned permissions
      userID - ID of the user
    • getCalendarBuilder

      ICalendarBuilder getCalendarBuilder()
      Returns instance of ICalendarBuilder which is used to create calendar instance objects
    • getCalendarEvaluator

      ICalendarEvaluator getCalendarEvaluator(Date baseDate, IWorkdayCalendar businessCalendar)
      Creates and returns instance of ICalendarEvaluator which is used to perform calendar calculations
      baseDate - this is the base date for all calendar calculations. Calendar evaluator may perform calculations only in the future ranges off the baseDate
      businessCalendar - instance of IWorkdayCalendar calendar to use
      instance of ICalendarEvaluator
    • getCalendarEvaluator

      ICalendarEvaluator getCalendarEvaluator(Date baseDate, IWorkdayCalendar businessCalendar, IWorkdayCalendar userCalendar)
      Creates and returns instance of ICalendarEvaluator which is used to perform calendar calculations
      baseDate - this is the base date for all calendar calculations. Calendar evaluator may perform calculations only in the future ranges off the baseDate
      businessCalendar - instance of IWorkdayCalendar calendar to use
      userCalendar - instance of user personal IWorkdayCalendar. Each user has two attributes "userCorporateCalendar" and "userPersonalCalendar" which values are calendar IDs for business and user calendar objects respectively assigned to the given user object (IDirectoryUser). Knowing an ID of the business calendar the one may obtain calendar instance from ICalendarManager
      instance of ICalendarEvaluator this evaluator instance will perform calendar calculations based on the specified business calendar which defined holidays and workhours and user personal calendar which defined time off for the given user
    • checkPrerequisites

      default void checkPrerequisites() throws CalendarException
      Check for the presense of any existing pre-requisites and throws exception if the prerequisites are not present.