Interface IWebAppMechanics

All Superinterfaces:
IAccessMechanics, IComponent, IInitializable, IMechanics, ISystemHandler

public interface IWebAppMechanics extends IAccessMechanics
Mechanics for performing access checking optimized for the webApplication.
  • Method Details

    • checkAccess

      void checkAccess(IThingID itemId, IThingID userId, int rights, Map<?,?> capabilities) throws PortalException
      Check access for a given thingID.
      Specified by:
      checkAccess in interface IAccessMechanics
      itemId - IURI of item
      userId - IThingID of user
      rights - The requested rights (@see com.webmethods.portal.service.meta2.access.IAccessRight)
      capabilities - Known set of capabilities for this user. May be null, in which case they'll be looked up from the IContext.SCOPE_REQUEST attributes on the user's IContext.
      PortalException - if the userId is invalid.