Class PortalSystem

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class PortalSystem extends Object implements IURIResolver

The entry point into the Portal server.

PortalSystem is a singleton. It exposes the main(java.lang.String[]) method which initializes Portal. Initialization leverages the DefaultPhaseProvider to initialize all of the IPhaseProviders registered in the system. Upon successful initialization, all IComponentProviders will be available as well as their IComponents.

PortalSystem also defines many constants that can be passed into acquireURI(java.lang.String) to find common portal resources. This includes: TOPIC_ROOT, FOLDER_ROOT, FOLDER_SYSTEM and many others.

PortalSystem also defines the various states that the system can be in. These vary from UNINITIALIZED_STATE to SHUTDOWN_STATE and a few in between.

PortalSystem also exposes all of the registered IComponentProviders. When requiring a specific IComponentProvider invoke an API like getCommandProvider() and cast it to the appropriate implementation, in this instance: ICommandManager.