Class BaseComponent

All Implemented Interfaces:
IComponent, IConstants, IInitializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
Handler, TaskIndexEngineFactoryInitializer

public class BaseComponent extends Object implements IComponent, IConstants
BaseComponent is a simple base class that performs only default implementation of the IComponent interface
  • Field Details

    • m_componentData

      protected IComponentData m_componentData
      This won't be cached in the future, once we have the MetadataService on-line. Instead we'll cache the componentData's ID, and we can re-lookup as necessary. This will ensure that we always have fresh componentData. Alternatively, we can subscribe for changes to componentData
    • m_componentProvider

      protected IComponentProvider m_componentProvider
      The IComponentProvider that is the 'container' for this component
    • m_isInitialized

      protected boolean m_isInitialized
      is this initialized?
    • m_uri

      protected IURI m_uri
      A default implementation of a uri
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BaseComponent

      public BaseComponent()
  • Method Details