Interface IModifiableView

All Superinterfaces:
IView, Serializable

public interface IModifiableView extends IView
Base interface for a view whose properties can be modified. Modifications are not persistant; modifing the properties of a view does not modify the underlying resource.
  • Method Details

    • setProperty

      void setProperty(String name, String value)
      Sets the specified property of this view of the resource. If the value of the property is null, the property may be removed from the view. No exceptions are raised if the resource does not support the property.
    • setProperties

      void setProperties(Map<String,Object> props)
      Sets the specified properties of this view of the resource. Properties not specified are unchanged. If the specified value of a property is null, the property may be removed from the view. No exceptions are raised if the resource does not support the property.