public interface IAce
Title: Description: This is a simple property bag for storing access control entry information. It has no behavior. Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000 Company: webMethods, Inc
  • Method Details

    • getPrincipalID

      IThingID getPrincipalID()
      Get the ID of the principal that this ace refers to.
    • setPrincipalID

      void setPrincipalID(IThingID principalID) throws MetaException
      Set the ID of the principal that this ace refers to.
    • getDeniedRights

      IRightSet getDeniedRights()
      Get the denied rights that this ace specifies.
    • setDeniedRights

      void setDeniedRights(IRightSet rightSet) throws MetaException
      Set the denied rights that this ace specifies.
      MetaException - if rightset is invalid or conflicts with granted set
    • getGrantedRights

      IRightSet getGrantedRights()
      Get the granted rights that this ace specifies.
    • setGrantedRights

      void setGrantedRights(IRightSet rightSet) throws MetaException
      Set the granted rights that this ace specifies.
      MetaException - if rightset is invalid or conflicts with denied set
    • getExclusiveRights

      IRightSet getExclusiveRights()
      Get the exclusive rights that this ace specifies.
    • setExclusiveRights

      void setExclusiveRights(IRightSet rightSet) throws MetaException
      Set the granted rights that this ace specifies.
      MetaException - if rightset is invalid or conflicts with denied set