Interface IMessageFormatter

All Superinterfaces:
IComponent, IInitializable

public interface IMessageFormatter extends IComponent
Provides functions for formatting messages for the user using the ResourceBundle
  • Method Details

    • format

      String format(boolean isSystemMessage, ResourceBundle resourceBundle, String messageKey, boolean notFoundPolicy)
      Provides formatting services based upon the resourceBundle and messageKey NB: sourceObject and isSystem are for errorHandling conditions like no resourceBundle is present They aren't used to format the message
      See Also:
    • format

      String format(boolean isSystemMessage, ResourceBundle resourceBundle, String messageKey, Object[] args, Locale locale, boolean notFoundPolicy)
      Provides formatting services based upon the resourceBundle and messageKey and arguments NB: sourceObject and isSystem are for errorHandling conditions like no resourceBundle is present They aren't used to format the message
      See Also:
    • formatDate

      String formatDate(boolean isSystemMessage, ResourceBundle resourceBundle, String messageKey, Date date, boolean notFoundPolicy)
      Formats date using pattern from resource bundle. NB: sourceObject and isSystem are for errorHandling conditions like no resourceBundle is present They aren't used to format the message
      See Also: