Interface IDirService

All Superinterfaces:
IComponent, IDirSystemManagementObject, IInitializable, IPrincipalAttributeProvider

public interface IDirService extends IPrincipalAttributeProvider
The directory service is the key interface that exposes the implementation of an external directory provider. It is configured by manipulating its IDirConfig. It's queried by using the IDirQueryProvider, and its users and groups are managed by using the IDirPrincipalProvider. It is an IComponent, so it is managed by it's IComponentProvider which happens to be the IDirSystem. Note Authentication is provided as a method on the IDirPrincipalProvider interface.

Ultimately, it is deployed as a Portlet, so it also lives inside of the Portlet framework regarding deployment, undeployment thing-based as well as acl-controlled.

  • Method Details

    • getDirConfig

      IDirConfig getDirConfig()
      Retrieves the directory configuration associated with this directory service
    • getDirQueryProvider

      IDirQueryProvider getDirQueryProvider()
      Retrieves the directory query provider which can search and list users and groups
    • getDirPrincipalProvider

      IDirPrincipalProvider getDirPrincipalProvider()
      Retrieves the directory principal provider which can add/update/delete users and groups as well as manage user/group memberships
    • getDirCache

      IDirCache getDirCache()
      Retrieves the directory cache provider which may cache dns/directory uris/searches or any combination
    • isSystemDirectory

      boolean isSystemDirectory()
      There is only one system directory and that is the internal directory
    • isLdapDirectory

      boolean isLdapDirectory()
      There is only one system directory and that is the internal directory
    • isEnabled

      boolean isEnabled()
      Some services might need to be disabled
    • supportsNestedGroups

      boolean supportsNestedGroups()
      Indicates whether nested groups are supported
    • testConnection

      boolean testConnection()
      Tests the connection to the directory service