Interface IContentSource

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IContentSource
Interface for any portal object that may be content source
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getInputStream(boolean releaseStream)
    Returns input stream for content to read data from
    Gets mime type for the content
    Releases all allocated resources, such as streams, open files.
  • Method Details

    • getInputStream

      InputStream getInputStream(boolean releaseStream)
      Returns input stream for content to read data from
      releaseStream - if true than implementation of content source should keep track of opened stream and close it when necessary (usually when its internal state gets released on during finalize) Set it to false if you want to control when to close stream
    • getMimeType

      String getMimeType()
      Gets mime type for the content
      mime type
    • release

      void release()
      Releases all allocated resources, such as streams, open files.