Interface IDBCache

All Superinterfaces:
ICache, IComponent, IInitializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IAliasCache, IClassCache, IDependentCache

public interface IDBCache extends ICache
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • invalidateByKey

      int invalidateByKey(ICacheKey key, int invalFlags) throws CacheException
      invalidates by comparing the values in key that are marked in the flags. Either INVAL_PRIMARY or one of A,B,or NAME MUST be set returns # of rows invalidated
    • purgeCache

      void purgeCache()
      this should be called occasionally via a scheduled event to purge the cache of old and invalid entries. You could also schedule an event in the DB that calls the SP that this method calls. This should be called at least once a month, but weekly or daily may or may not provide additional benefit. It depends on usage etc.
    • createKey

      ICacheKey createKey(IThingID thingIDA, IThingID thingIDB, String name, int secondKey)
      creates key from things