Interface IViewableContainerMechanics

All Superinterfaces:
IComponent, IInitializable, IMechanics, ISystemHandler, IViewableMechanics
All Known Subinterfaces:
IContainerMechanics, IDirServiceMechanics, IFolderMechanics, IGroupMechanics, IPrincipalMechanics, IRoleMechanics, IScheduleMechanics, ITemplateMechanics, ITopicMechanics, IUserMechanics

public interface IViewableContainerMechanics extends IViewableMechanics
Mechanics for a viewable resource. All viewable resources have at least one IView associated with them.
  • Method Details

    • createPagingCookie

      IPagingCookie createPagingCookie(IURI itemId, IThingID userId, String view, int start, int pageSize, String sort, String order) throws PortalException
      Returns a new paging cookie for a list view of the specified resource, initialized with the specified default values, or null if the resource cannot produce a paging cookie.
      Specified by:
      createPagingCookie in interface IViewableMechanics
      itemId - Resource for which to get the paging cookie.
      userId - User for which to get the paging cookie.
      view - Name of the view (ie 'versions'). Null for default view.
      start - Default starting index.
      pageSize - Default items per page.
      sort - Default sort key.
      order - Default sort order.
      Paging cookie or null.
      PortalException - if an error occurs.