Interface IClipboard

All Superinterfaces:
Collection<IClipboardItem>, IPooledObject<IClipboardItem>, Iterable<IClipboardItem>, List<IClipboardItem>, Serializable

public interface IClipboard extends List<IClipboardItem>, Serializable, IPooledObject<IClipboardItem>
User's clipboard object. Stored as part of a user's session, it persists only for the duration of that session. Contains a list of IClipboardItems, each of which represents an item cut or copied to the clipboard.
  • Method Details

    • newClipboardItem

      IClipboardItem newClipboardItem(IURI itemID, IURI containerID, boolean isReference) throws PortalException
      Create a new clipboard item.
      itemID - Id of portal resource new clipboard item represents.
      containerID - Id of container from which the item will be cut or copied.
      isReference - False if the container is the primary container for the item.
      New clipboard item.
      PortalException - if the item could not be created.
    • getInfo

      String getInfo()
      Gets a brief text description of the clipboard contents, include size.
      Clipboard info text.