Interface IRemoteAliasMechanics

All Superinterfaces:
IComponent, IInitializable, IMechanics, ISystemHandler

public interface IRemoteAliasMechanics extends IMechanics
These mechanics assist in resolving aliases from remote meta contexts
  • Method Details

    • lookupAlias

      IAliasValue lookupAlias(IMetaContext metaContext, String key)
      Retrieve the appropriate AliasValue based on a simple key
      key - an arbitary key
      metaContext - the remote meta context
      the AliasValue if found, NULL otherwise
    • lookupAlias

      IAliasValue lookupAlias(IMetaContext metaContext, IURI key)
      Retrieve the appropriate AliasValue based on a simple key
      key - an arbitary key (could also be a IThingID
      metaContext - the remote meta context
      the AliasValue if found, NULL otherwise