Interface IAuthChallengeResponse

public interface IAuthChallengeResponse
Exposes the runtime information of handling an auth challenge response
  • Method Details

    • init

      void init(IAuthScheme authScheme) throws PortalException
      Initialize this authChallengeResponse with it's IAuthScheme
      authScheme -
    • handle

      int handle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws FrameworkException
      Handles the request. The response value tells the com.webmethods.portal.framework.dispatch.DispatchManager how to further handle the request. Prior to the com.webmethods.portal.framework.dispatch.DispatchManager delegating to the IDispatchHandler, a PresentationData is associated with the HttpServletRequest. The following response are valid:
      • DISP_RESPONSE_NONE: The work is complete, don't do anything further
      • DISP_RESPONSE_REDIRECT: Redirect this request with an http Redirect using the PresentationData
      • DISP_RESPONSE_FORWARD: Forward the request to another IDispatchHandler
      • DISP_RESPONSE_FORWARD_RAW: Forward the request to another IDispatchHandler without checking the type
      • DISP_RESPONSE_FORWARD_DEFAULT_GET: Forward the request to the default get IDispatchHandler for the requested resource
      • DISP_RESPONSE_STREAM: Stream the PresentationData back to the user
      • DISP_RESPONSE_PRES: Delegate to the IPresentationManager
      request - the current HttpServletRequest
      response - the current HttpServletResponse
    • getLogoutURL

      String getLogoutURL(HttpServletRequest request) throws PortalException
      Returns full URL for logout request. If there is no URL that that a user can dereference to logout, this method returns null. If the URL is a portal URL, it should include the portal servlet path. For example, the full URL to logout of forms auth is '[full-servlet-path]?method=logout'.
      request - HTTP request initialized with portal context info.
      Full logout URL or null.