Interface ISessionManager

All Superinterfaces:
IComponent, IComponentProvider, IInitializable, IURIResolver

public interface ISessionManager extends IComponentProvider
The ISessionManager manages current sessions inside of the IPortalServlet
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • handleSession

      int handleSession(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws PortalException
      This is the main entry for the ISessionManager. It allows the manager to verify the validity of the current session
      request -
      response -
      one of the ISessionManager response codes
    • removeLoginKey

      void removeLoginKey(HttpServletRequest request)
      This removes the login attribute (@link #LOGIN_KEY} from the request
    • setLoginKey

      void setLoginKey(HttpServletRequest request)
      See Also:
    • setLoginError

      void setLoginError(HttpServletRequest request)
      Set this request with a login error flag
      See Also:
    • hasLoginError

      boolean hasLoginError(HttpServletRequest request)
      Determine if this request has a login error
      See Also:
    • removeLoginError

      void removeLoginError(HttpServletRequest request)
      Remove the login error key
      See Also:
    • isLoginRequest

      boolean isLoginRequest(HttpServletRequest request)
      Determine if the user has logged into the system
      request - the HttpRequest containing the session to validate
      true if this request is a login request
    • addMorphedSessionPersistentKey

      void addMorphedSessionPersistentKey(String key)
      Adds the given key to the set of keys that will be persisted when a session is morphed from an anonymous session to an non-anonymous session.
      key - the key to add to the list of persisted keys.
    • shouldKeyPersistInMorphedSession

      boolean shouldKeyPersistInMorphedSession(String key)
      checks if the given key should be persisted in a session that is changing from an anonymous user to a non-anonymous user.
      key - the key to check for
      true if the key should be persisted, false otherwise.