Interface IViewableContainerPolicy

All Superinterfaces:
IBizPolicy, IComponent, IInitializable, ISystemHandler, IViewablePolicy
All Known Subinterfaces:
IContainerPolicy, IDirServiceBizPolicy, IGroupBizPolicy, IPrincipalBizPolicy, ISchedulePolicy, IUserBizPolicy

public interface IViewableContainerPolicy extends IViewablePolicy

Policy used to view (viewable) container resources.

Policy commands are always invoked with a IContext object. The IContext object contains information about the user on whose behalf the command is invoked, as well as access, event, and workflow states. These states, which can be toggled on and off, are known as traits, and are encapsulated by the ITraits object. By default, all policy commands will check access, fire events, and initiate workflow as appropriate for the command.

  • Method Details

    • getPagingCookie

      IPagingCookie getPagingCookie(IContext context, IURI itemId, String view) throws BizException
      Returns the paging cookie for the view of the specified item, or null if none exsits.
      Specified by:
      getPagingCookie in interface IViewablePolicy
      context - Context state information (current user, etc.).
      itemId - Item for which to get the paging cookie.
      view - Name of the view (ie 'versions'). Null for default view.
      Paging cookie or null.
      BizException - if command fails because access was denied or a datasource error occured.
    • getPagingCookie

      IPagingCookie getPagingCookie(IContext context, IURI itemId, String view, int start, int pageSize, String sort, String order, boolean reset) throws BizException
      Returns the paging cookie for the view of the specified item, initialized with the specified default values, or null if none exsits.
      Specified by:
      getPagingCookie in interface IViewablePolicy
      context - Context state information (current user, etc.).
      itemId - Item for which to get the paging cookie.
      view - Name of the view (ie 'versions'). Null for default view.
      start - Default starting index. The first index is one, not zero.
      pageSize - Default items per page. If zero, will default to the user's preferred page size.
      sort - Default sort key (ie 'name').
      order - Default sort order. Either IPagingCookie.ASCENDING or IPagingCookie.DESCENDING.
      reset - True to always acquire a new paging cookie.
      Paging cookie. If a new paging cookie was created, it will be initialized with the specified default values.
      BizException - if command fails because access was denied or a datasource error occured.
    • setPagingCookie

      void setPagingCookie(IContext context, IURI itemId, String view, int start, int pageSize, String sort, String order) throws BizException
      Sets the modifiable properties of the paging cookie for the specified item.
      Specified by:
      setPagingCookie in interface IViewablePolicy
      context - Context state information (current user, etc.).
      itemId - Item to for which to set the paging cookie.
      view - Name of the view (ie 'versions'). Null for default view.
      start - New starting index. The first index is one, not zero.
      pageSize - New page size. If zero, will default to the user's preferred page size.
      sort - New sort key (ie 'name').
      order - New sort order. Either IPagingCookie.ASCENDING or IPagingCookie.DESCENDING.
      BizException - if command fails because access was denied or a datasource error occured.
    • pageBackward

      void pageBackward(IContext context, IURI itemId, String view) throws BizException
      Pages backward the cookie for the view of the item.
      Specified by:
      pageBackward in interface IViewablePolicy
      context - Context state information (current user, etc.).
      itemId - Item for which to page the paging cookie.
      view - Name of the view (ie 'versions'). Null for default view.
      BizException - if command fails because access was denied or a datasource error occured.
    • pageForeward

      void pageForeward(IContext context, IURI itemId, String view) throws BizException
      Pages forward the cookie for the view of the item.
      Specified by:
      pageForeward in interface IViewablePolicy
      context - Context state information (current user, etc.).
      itemId - Item for which to page the paging cookie.
      view - Name of the view (ie 'versions'). Null for default view.
      BizException - if command fails because access was denied or a datasource error occured.