Interface IUserBizPolicy

All Superinterfaces:
IBizPolicy, IComponent, IInitializable, IPrincipalBizPolicy, ISystemHandler, IViewableContainerPolicy, IViewablePolicy

public interface IUserBizPolicy extends IPrincipalBizPolicy
User business policy
  • Method Details

    • setStartPage

      void setStartPage(IContext context, IURI userURI, IThingID resourceURI) throws BizException
      Sets a user's start Page.
      context - the current users context
      userURI - the target user
      resourceURI - the uri of the user's start page
      BizException - if command fails because access was denied or a datasource error occured.
    • clearStartPage

      void clearStartPage(IContext context, IURI userURI) throws BizException
      Clears a user's start Page back to the default start page
      context - the current users context
      userURI - the target user
      BizException - if command fails because access was denied or a datasource error occured.
    • setPortalStyle

      void setPortalStyle(IContext context, IURI userURI, IThingID resourceURI) throws BizException
      Sets a user's Portal Style
      context - the current users context
      userURI - the target user
      resourceURI - the uri of the selected portalStyle
      BizException - if command fails because access was denied or a datasource error occured.
    • setPageSize

      void setPageSize(IContext context, IURI userURI, int pageSize) throws BizException
      Sets a user's Paging size
      context - the current users context
      userURI - the target user
      pageSize - the page size to set, 0 to set to default
      BizException - if command fails because access was denied or a datasource error occured.
    • getPortalStyle

      IThingID getPortalStyle(IContext context, IURI userURI) throws BizException
      Retrieve the current users portal style.
      context - the current users context
      userURI - the target user
      BizException - if command fails because access was denied or a datasource error occured.