Interface IPrincipalData

All Known Subinterfaces:
IAuthInfo, IContext
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IPrincipalData
IPrincipalData is a bean that contains some useful information regarding the current principal associated with a portal IContext. In order to obtain a reference to the current user's IPrincipalData use the following:
 IPrincipalData principalData = com.webmethods.portal.bizPolicy.impl.ContextFactory.acquireContext(true);
Once you have the principalData, you can use the various bean methods to get more detailed information about the current user. For instance:
 String userDN = principalData.getDN();
 String userName = principalData.getUserName();
 String domain = principalData.getDomain();
 boolean isAnonymous = principalData.isAnonymous();
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setInfo

      void setInfo(String username, String password, String domain, String authType)
      Sets a vareity of run-time information about the current user.
      username - the current user's userid
      password - the user password
      domain - the current user's domain
      authType - the type of authorization (usually the type of auth handler that accepted the auth, like 'simple', 'ntlm', 'basic', etc.)
    • getUri

      String getUri()
      Retrieve the IURI for this principal. This can later be used to reference the Directory or MetaData representation of the principal.
      the URI represented by this AuthInfo object
    • setUri

      void setUri(String uri)
      Set the URI for this AuthInfo
      uri - the URI to set
      See Also:
    • getDN

      String getDN()
      Retrieve the DN for this AuthInfo. For instance: "o=webmethods,ou=People,uid=Portal Admin"
      This information can be viewed by going to a user's Extended Profile Page
      the DN represented by this AuthInfo object
    • setDN

      void setDN(String dn)
      Set the DN for this AuthInfo
      dn - the DN to set
      See Also:
    • getUserName

      String getUserName()
      Get the username for this AuthInfo. This is the user's id, or login name, not their Full name.
      the username
    • setUserName

      void setUserName(String userName)
      Sets the username for this AuthInfo
      userName - the username
      See Also:
    • getPassword

      @Deprecated String getPassword()
      do not use
      Get the password
      the user password
    • getDomain

      String getDomain()
      Get the domain. This is the name of the directory service that the user has authenticated with.
      the user domain
    • setDomain

      void setDomain(String domain)
      Sets the domain
      See Also:
    • setAuthentication

      void setAuthentication(boolean isAuthenticated)
      Set the auth validation flag
      isAuthenticated - if true, indicates this AuthInfo is validated, false otherwise
    • isAuthenticated

      boolean isAuthenticated()
      Determines if this user is authenticated. This may be a named user, but not yet authenticated acting in a 'guest-like' capacity.
      true if validated, false otherwise
    • setIsAdminSession

      void setIsAdminSession(boolean isAdminSession)
      Set the Admin session flag
      isAdminSession - if true indicates this AuthInfo represents an Administrator, false otherwise
    • isAdminSession

      boolean isAdminSession()
      Determine if this user is an Administrator.
      true if this is an AdminSession, false otherwise
    • setIsAnonymous

      void setIsAnonymous(boolean isAnonymous)
      Set the anonymous flag for the current user.
      isAnonymous - true if this is an anonymous session, false otherwise
    • isAnonymous

      boolean isAnonymous()
      Determine if current user is a guest/anonymous user.
    • setIsLoginSession

      @Deprecated void setIsLoginSession(boolean isLoginSession)
      for internal use only
      Set the login session flag
      isLoginSession - true if this is a login session, false otherwise
    • isLoginSession

      @Deprecated boolean isLoginSession()
      Determines if the current session is a login session
      true if this is a login session, false otherwise * @deprecated for internal use only
    • isPrivilegedInfo

      boolean isPrivilegedInfo()
      Retrieve the privileged info flag That signals the login attempts should use the loginNoAuth option
      isPrivilegedInfo true if this signals the loginNoAuth option (default is false)
    • setIsPrivilegedInfo

      void setIsPrivilegedInfo(boolean isPrivilegedInfo)
      Set the privileged info flag That signals the login attempts should use the loginNoAuth option
      isPrivilegedInfo - true if this signals the loginNoAuth option (default is false)
    • getUserID

      IThingID getUserID()
      the IThingID of the current user
    • getUserDirectoryURI

      IURI getUserDirectoryURI() throws PortalException
      Lookup the Directory uri from the DirProvider
    • setUserID

      void setUserID(IThingID userID)
      userID -
      See Also:
    • getDomainUserName

      String getDomainUserName()
      Get the username for this AuthInfo
      the username